Cannes Lions


DROGA5, New York / NEW MUSEUM / 2008

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The New Museum’s mission demanded its communications be as thought-provoking as the work it showcases in its facility. So bringing its New Art and Ideas that Challenge and Awaken mantra alive naturally required the breaking of some rules: developing ideas no other brand dare even try. It meant hi-jacking one of the nation’s most important cultural publications: the logo and both covers of New York Magazine. And like contemporary art, this work demonstrated the power of an idea to create a stir, make an otherwise disposable magazine a collector’s item, and start a dialogue by challenging magazine publishing guidelines along the way. The New Museum December 3rd issue New York Magazine Cover Wrap coincided with the cooperative hi-jacking of NYC’s most iconic billboard (Calvin Klein Soho) and a series of exclusive events leading up to the grand opening.


The campaign over-delivered by 270%, and following the NY Magazine cover wrap, hundreds of blogs linked to the story, copies of the issue were being sold on eBay, and a publishing debate ensued wondering just how the New Museum pulled this off. Art + Advertising + Controversy = Momentum.

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