Cannes Lions

New Year's Robbery



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Every December 31st, Spaniards watch the countdown on live TV, making it one of the most-watched events in the country.


Netflix was releasing Berlin, the spin-off about the famous white-collar thief from Money Heist, one of its most popular non-English shows worldwide. We needed to communicate it in a big way coming up with an original and cultural idea to surprise Spaniards with Berlin's come back during Christmas time.


Take advantage of the collaboration between Estrella Galicia and Netflix to make something different, something never done before that would let people, influencers (and the press) talking about it for weeks to help us build awareness about the show Berlin, but also help Estrella Galicia present their limited edition bottle designed for the occasion.


In a mix of fiction and reality, coinciding with the premiere of Berlin, the series about the famous Netflix thief, we made almost 6 million Spaniards believe that the necklace of the most followed TV hostess of the New Year's Eve countdown was stolen live on air. While everybody could not believe what was happening and as social media exploded, a spot in the first ad block of the year revealed who was the mastermind behind the robbery: Berlin, who we could see escaping from the set of the chimes, disguised as a waiter, with the necklace that seconds before had disappeared live from the hostess's forehead hidden on an ice bucket filled with Estrella Galicia beer (sponsor of the series and also sponsor of the New Years Eve event)



Some thefts are irresistible.


Netflix's most famous thief steals a jewel from the most followed TV hostess live during the most-watched TV moment of the year.


Mainstream audiences.

Men and Women 18 to 54 years old.

Money Heist fans (as Berlin is a spin-off of the successful Netflix show)


In this stunt, we merged:

- Non-paid live TV

- A sponsored live segment -that we took advantage to create the stunt in front of everyone-

- A TV spot -that revealed the plan-

-A phased PR strategy:

December 31 (day)- Cristina first press release to lifestyle media

January 1- Influencer amplification of the Stunt in X (Twitter)

January 1- Cristina second press release

January 1- Estrella Galicia press release explaining the action

January 1 - Tik tok user amplification


TV hostess Cristina Pedroche participated in our heist by wearing a necklace as part of her New Years Eve outfit.

• During the final countdown, when cameras shift focus to Madrid's Puerta del Sol clock, we simulated the theft of the jewel.

• Back on set, Cristina always toast with a Estrella Galicia beer in hand during a 10-second live sponsored segment that leads into the first commercial break of the year.

The program has followed the same structure for more than a decade without any surprises. Until this year: The segment began with the traditional toast yet, in the last 5 seconds, we made people believe that the necklace was stolen, prompting an abrupt cut to the commercials.

• With all the viewer speculation about the live incident, we aired a TV spot revealing Berlin with the necklace hidden in an Estrella Galicia ice bucket, clarifying the staged theft.


We managed to combine the Chimes' sponsored live segment with a TV spot into a cohesive storytelling that merged a non-paid live TV broadcast, a sponsored live segment and a traditional TV spot in one big guerrilla stunt that broke the limits of a until now- traditional media format.

And this is reflected in the results:

More than 21 MILLION PEOPLE have watched our spot in a week.

More than 42 MILLION IMPACTS on TV and social media.

More than 1.7 MILLION third-party interactions.

More than 56% positive brand recognition.

TOP #1 GLOBALLY non-english TV show.