Cannes Lions


Y&R, New York / NEW YORK POST / 2011

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To promote their flagging circulation, the New York Post had created a comedy improv show, “Headless Body in Topless Bar”, playing weekly at the People’s Improv Theater in New York. An improv show based on that day’s Post headlines, they needed a poster campaign to promote and explain the show in the NYC area.It also needed to portray the eclectic nature of the show, whilst maintaining the Post’s dry sense of humour


We realized fairly quickly that imagination was key to this. Showing how the comedians and the headlines can take you to some pretty crazy places. So illustration was an easy direction to opt for, given its lack of boundaries.To get across the eclectic nature of the comedy, we decided to approach different artists for each execution.

And then to keep some consistency, we developed an adaptable lock up that could be placed on each execution, containing the essential details, but didn’t challenge the main concept.


Due to the popularity of the show, what started out as a 4-night run is still going, five months later. And every show reminds more and more people why the New York Post is so entertaining.

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