Cannes Lions


TBWA\PARIS, Boulogne-Billancourt / ACTION AGAINST HUNGER / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film
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On August 4th 2006 in Sri Lanka, 17 ACF International aid workers were assassinated, during violent outbreaks in the city of Muttur. Following this attack, ACF International had to bring an end to its work in Sri Lanka. Today, this crime still remains unpunished. The ONG confined us with the task of making the public and the international community aware of these frightening acts. Beyond the brutal Muttur crime, the ONG’s concerns include the overall security of humanitarian aid workers and the dramatic consequences of a crime against them. Basically, killing an aid worker is punishing those he helps: the #ProtectAidWorkers campaign was born. On March 27th, more than 7 years later, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations adopted the A/HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1 resolution, which included an international investigation on these crimes.


We organised an event in a Parisian metropolitan station: an outdoor campaign and the first live petition on a 4X3 ever made in the metropolitan.

We created an interactive experience on iPad with Figaro Madame webzine inviting people to slide and discover the scenes of the story.

The campaign is made by a series of pictures each of them following the bullet that kills an aid worker and goes through every symbols of the essential help that aid workers bring: water, flour, oil.

The sentence “Killing an aid worker is punishing these he helps” concludes the drama. People are then invited to support the protection of aid workers by signing directly the last billboard in the banner/app.


On March 27th, more than 7 years after Muttur crimes, the United Nations adopted the A/HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1 resolution, which included an international investigation on these crimes:

“This is a great victory for the families of our late colleagues, a huge relief for everyone working for ACF, and a huge step towards justice for people who suffered abused and exactions. We’ve campaigned for justice for seven years; an international and independent inquiry into the deaths of our colleagues can finally be implemented and a message be sent that the killing of civilians and humanitarian workers will not go unpunished” said Serge Breysse, Advocacy Director for ACF-France.

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