Cannes Lions

No More Female Professionals


Presentation Image
Demo Film
Supporting Images






Our campaign "No More Female Professionals" highlights how language perpetuates gender bias by defining the norms when it comes to jobs. By qualifying job titles with gender, in particular by adding the 'female' prefix before the profession, we question the legitimacy of women having these jobs roles, diminishing their opportunities and pay. The campaign also demonstrates how language is a powerful tool that doesn't just reflect culture but can also construct it.

The first stage in eradicating this language was drawing attention to it. When the language had become so normal it wasn't even visible to our audience, we knew our creative idea needed to be provocative enough to stop people in their tracks. So we used the same language to drive or point home.


Social media was always going to be the home of our message as it was where much of the language we were calling out was taking place. We seeded our content across Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, launching with a bang the week after International Women's Day, which gave us maximum potential for exposure and supported a mislead that this a campaign that feels tired of feminism. Animated mega screens in 50 locations all over the country echoed this sentiment, each shouting our disruptive headline, before revealing the insight that a woman should just be referred to with her job title, not her gender.

Whilst the rest of the world was celebrating female achievement, we were stealing headlines by campaigning to get rid of female professionals - propelling our message into the palms of those we know would be most likely to act and share immediately.


For a campaign aimed at driving professionals to our website to sign up as mentors, our site traffic increased by 71% when the campaign was released, indicating that we can create a world with no more female professionals.

The rail sites delivered 3,928,572 all adult impacts and the roadside delivered 9,780,800 all adult impacts over two weeks.

What's more, our video was seen and shared by those who had first-person experience of the effect we were trying to stamp out. 9.2% of the people who tweeted about it were Executive level or above, with a total of 24 coming from CEOs themselves.

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