Cannes Lions

Noise Cancelling Kennel

GTB, London / FORD / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film






Ford is one of the leaders in automotive technology, but it’s not perceived as one. Though it offers cutting-edge systems in all its cars, these technologies rarely make the headlines.

In this context, the brief was to launch the new Ford Active Noise Control Technology the car manufacturer offers in its Edge SUV. But instead of a 3D demo or a product film, we were asked to show the technology in a human, engaging way.

The objective was to get both people and the press excited about Ford’s innovative Active Noise Control, showcasing the manufacturer as a tech leader.


In order to launch the Ford Active Noise Control, we took the technology out of the car to solve a real-life problem. According to Graeme Hall, a world-famous dog trainer, over 50% of dogs show fear when they hear fireworks.

That’s why Ford created the Noise Cancelling Kennel, a unique object to protect pups from loud noises. Featuring both passive and active systems, just like the car, the kennel protected man’s best friend.

Ford Noise Cancelling-Kennel was launched just before New Year’s Eve, the biggest firework event of the year.


Car tech rarely makes it into the news, because the usual car buyers are really not that interested in the technology that goes into their car. In order to turn the launch of Ford’s Active Noise Control into an exciting story, we took the technology out of the car and put it into an everyday object, to solve a problem people really care about.

According to Graeme Hall, a world-famous dog trainer, more than 50% of dogs show signs of fear when they hear fireworks. So, we created the Ford Noise Cancelling Kennel. Using the same technology as the Ford Edge, the kennel mirrors the benefits of the system, making the technology more human and relatable.

Alongside the actual prototype, we also created assets to support the press release, which included a film that also featured dog experts and owners.


To launch Ford’s cutting-edge noise-cancelling technology, we created the Noise Cancelling Kennel. The object was designed and built to protect dogs from loud noises, the same way the Edge SUV protects its passengers.

It incorporates a set of microphones and a digital signal processor that captures the incoming sound waves and generates their inverse. Adding both produces a disruptive interference that reduces the strength of the sound.

The prototype was featured in different assets tailored for each individual social media platform.

Dog owners and world-famous dog trainer Graeme Hall starred in our videos to support the conversation.

For best impact, we’ve launched the story on the world’s biggest fireworks celebration: New Year’s Eve.

Ford’s Noise Cancelling Kennel became an instant discussion topic around the world, with media outlets, influencers and animal lovers sharing the story. From newspapers to TV shows and all social media platform, conversations sparked everywhere.


The launch of the new technology through the Noise Cancelling Kennel became an instant hit, generating thousands of media stories across the globe. From morning shows to evening news, newspapers or social media, there was extensive offline and online coverage.

It generated over 10.5 million views on social media, with an engagement rate of more than 34%. Ford’s Noise Cancelling kennel gathered over 486 million impressions, making this a very successful technology launch. And convincing people to consider Ford as a leader in car technology.

The success of this idea led us to continue doing technology launches this way. So, it’s not just a one off, but a successful big idea.

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