Cannes Lions



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The mobile phone category is extremely cluttered, models have a short life span and there are few real product differentiators. In addition the client’s brief was to launch the phone without major ATL investment.The goal: to get the phone talked about and build awareness and sales as fast as possible among teenagers and young adults using Nokia’s "expression" theme that gives each phone a personality to reflect that of the user. The team decided that the "expression" was fun. Not a boring old phone but a fun gadget for fun people. A mix of print advertising and events was planned, along with a unique first in market internet idea. Deciding that games are "fun" the media team conceived the idea of offering the two latest proprietary Nokia games, available only on the N3330, on the web via floating banners. Eye-catching images were designed for the "space impact" and "Bumper" games, which floated up and down targeted web pages. When clicked, the user could play the game. Web pages with high traffic from young people, such as game sites, teen lifetsyle and on-line chat pages, were targeted. The leading portal sites in Taiwan all insisted that the ad units (in terms of size and loading) must not disturb the users' reading of web pages. It was decided that one peripheral floating image was not sufficiently eye catching, so two floating images were used. Hence the "double eye-ball buster" was invented that uses two floating images, one at each side of the web page, floating and interacting to grab attention. This was a first in Taiwan - never done before. The media team was 100% in charge of the entire internet campaign. Not only did the team invent the idea, but it developed the strategic positioning of "fun" generated the idea linking the games to floating banners, supervised the production management and directed the web serving strategy. In addition, the media team negotiated for the web publishers to assist in developing the technical side of the execution at no cost and worked closely to build a very cost effective package for the client. The answer is simplicity of the idea, cost and strategy. And results.The idea: simply position the phone as a fun toy and leverage the game technology already used in the phone.Cost: the idea integrated existing Nokia game technology and internet publishers' technical resources to deliver a very low cost media solution.Strategy: the idea matched a high tech product - a mobile phone - with a hi-tech medium to target fun-loving techno-savvy young people.The results speak for themselves; 80% lower cost per clicks, 22 times higher click-through rate and 70% lower cost per lead when comparing to the market benchmark. Nokia Taiwan reported that they received over 1,000 email requests for downloads of the games (which were not made available) and distributors reported requests for the games from existing Nokia phone users.


The media team was 100% in charge of the entire internet campaign. Not only did the team invent the idea, but it developed the strategic positioning of "fun" generated the idea linking the games to floating banners, supervised the production management and directed the web serving strategy. In addition, the media team negotiated for the web publishers to assist in developing the technical side of the execution at no cost and worked closely to build a very cost effective package for the client.

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