Cannes Lions

Norwegian Taco Championship

JCPR, Oslo / ARLA / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






TTo put the cheese into a relevant cultural context for the target audience. Taco is so popular in Norway amongst everyone tahate we have even given the dish it´s own day of the week Taco Friday. General knowledge about the TA told us that Taco was the number one go-to-food because of it´s simplicity, taste and diversity. But, Norwegians have a tendency to eat the same old type of taco every time.

We needed to give people inspiration on how to make a better taco, and simultaniously making Apetina a key ingredient in the “better taco”. The only issue - Norwegians tend to eat the same type of taco every week. Who better to inspire creative tacos than the taco professionals!! So, we created the Norwegian Taco Championship - a competition between Mexican restaurants in Norway´s four largest cities. And it has turned into a craze. We Norwegians love anythin


Implementation of PR activities

Four phases

1. Created engagement and interest for the events online through social media channels

2. Pre-rigged interviews with the finalists with the contestants on live TV and in news stories (TV2 and Good morning Norway)

3. At the event itself – invitation of the largest news outlets and radio stations in Norway (NRK, TV2, NRK radio, VG, Dagbladet)

4. Post-event interviews with winners on national TV (66)

Timeline - Local events in Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim in September 2016, guerilla stunt in October, and the semi finals and final in Oslo November 2016. Planning started already in April 2016.

Scale - Open even in the heart of Oslo´s food central

6500 people clicked attending on the Facebook event within two days of the event being live on Facebook

Over 250 people showed up in the middle of the day to se the live event



Est. Reach of media output 6.7 million

50 min. airtime

Tier 3 - 48% sales increase after the campaign period and a 5.9 PP increase in market shares compared to 2015.

Zero paid media, social media spend apx. 50.000 NOK (apx. 5,700 Euros), 800.000 NOK (apx. 87,000 Euros) for four events, all purchases, travel and agency fee.

Attained a media value of 10.M NOK ( apx. 1,09M Euros)

ROI 1:10 spending ratio

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