
Not Delivered

OKTO, Stockholm / UNHCR / 2022


1 Bronze Eurobest
Presentation Image
Case Film
Digital Proof JPG







The escalation of the war in Ukraine has caused civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection, and assistance. Over 14 million people in Ukraine have been forced to leave their homes. 90% of those who have left the country are women and children. Left in Ukraine are men in ages eligible to serve in the military - men who are someone's father, brother, boyfriend or friend.


The brief was to utilize the current momentum (Ukraina) to communicate what UNHCR does.


Brand: Increase Awareness and Preference

Donations: Increase monthly givers


Sweden for UNHCR and OKTO show the horrifying situation for the families that have to flee Ukraine, where two words on the mobile screen - Not Delivered - could mean that the worst has happened.


A relatively young and urban target group with a majority of women.

The idea was implemented in several media where we adjusted the emotional attributes within the campaign. The core idea was the text message and the two words on the mobile screen that can mean the absolute worst. For print, OOH and digital we had to have a direct message because of the media. Film is a medium which is suitable for longer stories so therefore the film had a more emotional take where we got to see the circumstances around the girl who sent the text message to her father and her feelings.

To accompany the campaign, a remake of a song “Brevet från Lillan” (Letter from Lillan) by the traditional Swedish musician Evert Taube was made.

Our approach is that we dare to find new ways to raise awareness about people forced to flee for the brand.


The campaign ran all through Sweden for three weeks in several channels including TVC, OLV, digital medias, social media outlets, prints, DOOH and OOH such as full size, eurosizes and adshels.


The campaign contributed to 1.4 billion SEK being donated to Sweden for UNHCR since the beginning of the Russian attack. With a brand preference of 50%, Above index in giving intent +63%, Brand awareness (target audience) +40% and Brand liking (target audience) +71%.

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2023, UNHCR

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