Cannes Lions

Not Very Sweet

OGILVY, Bangkok / DELIGHT / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image






For over 50 years, Yakult has led Thailand's yogurt market. It's well-known for probiotics and such dominance led many consumers to purchase their products almost on autopilot, demonstrating strong brand loyalty and taste preferences. Other brands often just copy Yakult. People see these cultured drinking yogurts as a 'healthy treat,' but they don't know that these products have more sugar than fizzy drinks. This unravels the deceptive 'sugar-coating.'

Delight, a smaller brand, introduced its '0.1% sugar Probiotic Yogurt' to disrupt the market hard. It offers a real, healthier choice, especially for today's health-aware people who values authenticity and healthier choices. Delight's aim is two-fold: to cut down sugar for better health by dismantling the sugar-coated ideology amidst the clutter of sugar-washing claims in the market, and to show that genuine effort matters more than just sweet talk.


'Not Very Sweet' brings the insight to life, portraying the unsugar-coated truth. This aligns with Delight's 0.1 sugar variant, offering probiotic care with virtually no sugar, unlike competitors who only offer reduced sugar variants. The films depict relatable characters of today’s generation, with a surprising ending that vividly showcases the depth of their care for one another in different dimensions:

Couple: Explores a relationship where initial honeymoon phase wears off, but the sense of caring remains constant.

Brother: A direct insight into a relationship characterized by blunt honesty

Mother & Son: Reflects on the journey of growth, particularly on motherhood and the evolving dynamic with her child. Despite the natural distance that may arise as children grow older, the underlying care and concern remain constant.

We strategically integrated our hero product's animated bottle at the end to ensure that our key message leaves a lasting impression on today's generation.


Delight pledge to step the right foot into the category by driving a new perspective by emphasizing the fundamental functional features of its Cultured Drinking Yogurt that don't 'sugar-coat by using an insight that our audience relate the most.

Our creative inspiration is drawn from Thai culture, where the closer the relationship, the more candid and truthful the communication tends to be. This is driven by a genuine concern to help others improve while being mindful of their feelings. For instance, Thai mothers often comment on their children's appearances to encourage healthier eating habits, and best friends may use direct language to advise each other on behaviour. This cultural norm reflects a preference for authenticity over superficial niceties, especially in close relationships.

The Insight: True Care Doesn't Sugar-Coat

Strategy: Use Delight 0.1% as proof that true care doesn't sugar-coat


The couple are shouting at each other. The boyfriend forbids the girlfriend from eating sweets, which makes her angry. Then he pushes a cabinet, creating a domino effect until it hits the refrigerator, making the Delight bottle spin out in front of the girlfriend. She drinks it with a smile.

The older brother invites the younger brother to go running, but he refuses. So, he offers the younger brother a bottle of Delight to drink. Then, he kneels to draw a picture of shoes on his brother's feet, encouraging him to run on the carpet that has turned into a treadmill.

The mother and son are shouting in the car. Both are concerned about each other's health. The son offers the mother a bottle of Delight to drink. Then, he pulls the steering wheel from the mother's side to his own side. Then he drives the car away.


Delight's 'Not Very Sweet’ campaign emerged triumphantly as a purposeful underdog, leveraging online platforms to achieve an impressive over 50 million impressions within a brief five-month span. Positioned as the 'Today’s Generation Choice’ of probiotic yogurt, the campaign showcased the undeniable impact of purpose-driven creativity by challenging industry giants.

Key achievements included reaching almost half of the online population (14 million), surpassing KPIs by 91%, and disrupting the dominance of established brands with a significant +7.8% growth in new recruits across the category.

Crucially, the campaign drove societal engagement by sparking conversations about 'sugar-coated products' in health discussions on social media, expanding the dialogue beyond the typically health-conscious audience. Beyond celebrating creative success, Delight's campaign encourages consumers to reassess the assumption that leading brands are always the best, emphasizing that sometimes, less sweetness (talk) is indeed better.

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