Cannes Lions

NotMayo Data Pump

MRM WORLDWIDE, Santiago / NOTCO / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






NotCo was launching a New Not Mayo in the second-toughest market: Chile. Why? Because Chile is the second-largest mayonnaise consuming nation in the world, and people already have their favorite mayonnaise brands locked down.

We needed people to give us a chance and test the product but knew that a typical taste test wouldn’t make the cut. Why would I try a new mayo if I already know what’s the best mayo for me?

Well, because it’s free.

So, we went out to get Chileans to test our product for free in places where they would already be eating their favorite foods: food courts, diners and parks; and where probably not everyone would have their own mayo at hand.

Thanks to NotMayo Data Pump, if they were to try it, they would also be endorsing it with the same passion they were eating it.


Transforming a simple product trial into the biggest mayo study ever conducted.

In a country where people put mayo on their mayo, everyone already has their favorite mayo brands locked down. So, we needed to tap into another thing that Chileans love, and that's free stuff.

User generated content, without users knowing they're generating content.

With a simple and low-tech data collecting device, people knew that they were trying a new mayo, but didn't know that they were endorsing its consumption in the most original ways. This allowed us to put up a launch campaign that only used 100% real images of real Chileans enjoying our product with their favorite foods.


A low-tech device capable of collecting data in form of photos and videos, of Chileans endorsing a new mayo player entering the market. Not the mayo itself, but how this mayo paired perfectly well with their favorite foods.

We put up a giant NotMayo dispenser with a smart camera connected to our NotMayo pump. Every time someone pumped out for NotMayo, without knowing, they were also pumping in important visual data that was priceless for our product endorsement. This way it wasn't NotCo who was recommending a new product to Chileans. It was Chileans themselves, in the most selfness way.

We tabulated this data and turned it into hundreds of out of home and social media ads of our product being paired with Chilean typical food, but also with the weirdest stuff we would've never imagined.


A low-tech device capable of collecting data in form of photos and videos, of Chileans endorsing a new mayo player entering the market. Not the mayo itself, but how this mayo paired perfectly well with their favorite foods.

We put up a giant NotMayo dispenser with a smart camera connected to our NotMayo pump. Every time someone pumped out for NotMayo, without knowing, they were also pumping in important visual data that was priceless for our product endorsement. This way it wasn't NotCo who was recommending a new product to Chileans. It was Chileans themselves, in the most selfness way.

We tabulated this data and turned it into hundreds of out of home and social media ads of our product being paired with Chilean typical food, but also with the


The Chilean mayo market was flat for the past two years, and market share was pretty established for the main mayo brands that people had been eating since forever.

But thanks to getting real people endorsing our new product, we managed to get Chileans talking about us and new ways of consuming mayonnaise, now in the form of NotMayo.

We wanted to launch a product and ended up telling hundreds of different mayonnaise stories, starred by mayo experts: real chileans.

We reactivated a flat market that is now growing +13% YTD and managed to gain an historical (for the mayonnaise category in Chile) 2% market share gain in the first month of the campaign.

- 800+ kilos of NotMayo

- 23000+ pumps

- 1,8% Market Share in one month of campaign

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