Cannes Lions


THE LION, Madrid / NUTRIBEN / 2019

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Case Film






Nutriben is a local baby food brand in Spain, known for generations and sold on local groceries and pharmacies all over the country. But with the big brands coming to Spain and investing millions on mass media, all of sudden Nutriben had become obsolete, and seen as a “grandmother brand”. With low budget for investing on a massive communication platform, the brand needed to find a way of being perceived as innovative, especially when launching their new set of products, called Inova.


Feeding a baby can be a struggle, and every parent knows it. So to use innovation to help solving this problem, the brand has launched a promotional item called Nutrispoon, a holographic spoon that uses a simple technology to reproduce animated holograms that entertain the kid. What means it makes eating more fun for both kids and parents. Designed to fit your smartphone and with and easy and intuitive interface, Nutrispoon reproduces airplanes, butterflies, trains and rocket Holograms that react to your phone´s movement, making the eating even more fun.


Once the brand could not invest on media like the bigger brands, it decided launch a national debate on technology in baby´s life, and the importance of finding the right balance. In order to do so, Nutriben launched an innovative device that attached to you phone, would reproduce animated holograms. The promotional item was launched on social network and mail list, reaching influencers and health care blogs all over the country. With a little push and lots of earned media, the debate have reached the media and innovation was the main subject, driven by Nutrispoon idea.


Nutrispoon was a limited edition holographic spoon that once attached to your phone, would reproduce animated holographs of airplanes, trains, rockets and more. It makes parents life easier by reducing the struggle when feeding a baby. A series of 100 packs with the pot and the spoons were delivered to followers, lovers and influencers, and another set were part of a promotional social campaign.


With more than 3 million views in just 48 hours, and all the limited edition units out in less than a week. Nutrispoon have started a huge debate about the importance of the balance between technology and children´s health habits and have positioned the brand as spokes brand of this theme. Exactly what an old Spanish Brand needed to be perceived as a competitive innovative brand on a global world.

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