Cannes Lions
LANDOR, Cincinnati / OLD SPICE / 2019
We were tasked to create an experiential sales kits that brings Old Spice’s new ingredient collection to life, and enable successful sell in with top Old Spice retailers. Our budget was $65K to execute design concepts and the development of 40 sales kits.
The creative idea behind the sales kits (and the new packaging) utilizes the metaphor of a botanist – someone who obsesses over plants and documents their every detail. The worn leather bag developed as the sales kit exterior was meant to represent what a botanist might carry with him as he forages for new discoveries. Inside the kit are two worn leather tool rolls that carry the ingredient samples & specimens he finds, which also represent the ingredients we’ve used in our new Old Spice products. To tie it all together, there is a leather journal that include the botanist’s illustrations & field notes. Overall this idea is meant to inspire a spirit of adventure in Old Spice consumer.
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