Cannes Lions

OLX for International Women's Day

GRUPA OLX SP. Z O.O., Poznań / OLX / 2020

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Polish women work, on average, 68 days a year for free. This is due to the 18.5% gender pay gap, according to data published by the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Competence has no gender and should be the only factor influencing the salary. OLX Praca - Poland's most popular recruitment website, gave voice to these inequalities in a provocative campaign launched on International Women's Day.


The video shows the imaginary workplace in which each woman faces a different challenge, which can only be solved by one thing - The Balls. We used this symbol to illustrate the gender pay gap issue. Claim "Stop breaking my balls" refers to a Polish catchphrase, similar to “no way”.


The gender pay gap in Poland is 18,5%. That means women are working for free for 68 days which is until 8th March. We used this insight to highlight the problem of inequality in the workplace. We’ve decided to overcome the stereotype that women should be like men if they want to be treated at work equally. We decided to collaborate with women who are already role models - activists, actresses and a boxer - Olga Boladz, Olga Kalicka, Tamara Arciuch, Katarzyna Pakosinska, Paulina Mikula, Agnieszka Rylik.

The campaign was launched on March, 8. Besides the hero video, viewers on the website had access to empowering content and information about sticky floor, velvet ghetto, self-discrimination, glass ceiling, and tokenism.


The main distribution channels were OLX Poland social media profiles - Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn and the campaign website: (meaning literally “no balls”). ‘The balls’ refers to a Polish catchphrase, with a meaning similar to “you kidding me” or “no way!”. We wanted to reach users who use OLX as an ad service to look for the best job offers, employers and also to the average Joe. Every day, several million users visit OLX website, which monthly gives over a billion views. We wanted to support the female part of our users. That’s why we also run a banner campaign on the OLX website. The campaign became viral and quickly spread on social media.


The campaign was mostly activated on Social Media. It recorded 5.5 million views on YT. The total Facebook campaign reach and the number of unique users equalled 7,8 million. According to SoTrender Reports, we achieved second place in two categories - users activity and engagement (58% increase, compared to the previous month). Video for International Women’s Day had over 135K reactions, was shared over 24K times, and triggered discussion close to 20K comments - thanks to that, it stood out as the most popular post in the March trade category on the Polish market. PR reach was over 60 articles in top titles like Polish Vogue, Elle, Ethical Marketing News, or Little Black Book. Thanks to that we achieved over 2 million of additional reach for these articles and over 300 000 PLN in earned media.

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