Cannes Lions


NEW CONTENT, Sao Paulo / UNILEVER / 2011

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As opposed to what happens in a typical home in Brazil, it was Nice who convinced her employer to use OMO Liquid Super Concentrated. We inverted the typical employer-employee relationship and millions of consumers were surprised with that fact in the sitcom’s premiere on web and also in adaptations made for TV, radio, magazine, and electronic outdoor billboard.Nice became aspirational for both housewives, who wanted to hire her, and housemaids, who took her for a role model.

We then gave life to our character as a housekeeping expert and she took the product everywhere. Nice gained a weekly sketch in the most watched feminine TV show in Brazil and a column about housekeeping in a magazine. Nice writes daily on her blog and personally interacts with users in Facebook, Twitter and Formspring. A “Super Nice” legion of 150 supermarket sales promoters dressed as our character was also born.


Nice established a strong bond with consumers. In her webshow, she became one of the 5 most watched video bloggers in Brazil. More than achieving over half a million views of the “Super Nice” videos on YouTube, and 20 000 fans on Facebook, we overcame cultural barriers that made OMO Liquid Super Concentrated sales grow 194% in 4 months, finally reaching the expected market share. The branded sitcom “Super Nice” made consumers believe in their housemaids, so they could also believe the product.

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