Cannes Lions

OTP Senior Sensei Program – Choose Passion Without Pressure In The Years Of Pension


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Case Film
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At the beginning of 2018 OTP Pension Fund was the biggest actor in the Hungarian market with around 225 000 members and EUR 758 219 000 managed wealth. The unfavourable regulatory environment paired with negative public attitude towards savings meant that a new approach was needed if OTP wanted to maintain its membership numbers. It is important to note, that in order to maintain its membership numbers OTP must recruit at least around 7-8 thousand people each year.


To initiate public discussion around pension savings in Hungary, and help find a new, much younger audience for OTP Pension Fund.


• Lower the average age of members entering OTP Pension Fund

• Raise OTP Pension Fund’s share of voice in the savings market

• Launch a new, social media led platform that can reach younger audiences for OTP Pension Fund, and generate buzz around savings


We realized, we need to change our narrative, in order to reach the biggest untapped audience for pension savings The millennials, who do not start saving for their elderly years on time, as they have other needs, such as fulfilling their career goals and financing their passionate youthful years.

Instead of scaring or boring the audience with facts and figures we wanted to show them that with proper preparations it is possible to be a passionate pensioner with sufficient financial sources.

So we have launched Hungary’s first Pensioner Trainee Program, where millennials had the chance to get a taste of their dream careers for a lifetime. With the help of our mentors, with proper planning and having the right attitude it is possible to achieve a fulfilling pensioner life, where you only have to care about your passion, without the burdens and pressure of having to make ends meet.



82% of young Hungarians are not considering pensions savings, although 79 %think it would be important.Also 78% think becoming a pensioner is too far away to do anything about it. Also they have a dim view of old age, and would rather not think about it. They are stressed on career choices (61%) and 79% wants someone who advises them on these matters.

We needed to show them, that in order to have a happy pensioner life, they need to make a decision now, and start saving for the future just as they plan their careers.

Key Message

Pension with passion without pressure of making a living is possible.

Target Audience

Generation Y (Age 24-35)

Creation and distribution of assets

Based on the media consumption habits of the target audience we launched a social media and online based campaign, culminating in an all-night documentary film.


The focus was on a one-month long internship programme, during which 4 millennials learnt from 4 pensioners. To raise awareness we chose pensioners with special professions:

- A fighter pilot

- A tightrope-dancer

- A winemaker

- A film editor

All mentors were successful in their career, and are living a happy pensioner life today, sharing their secrets to accomplish all this.


1. Research: representative research was conducted

2. Casting: Teamed up with a job portal, specializing in generation Y and Z

3. Website for the campaign

4. Paid: Ran a blog on Index, one of the biggest portals in Hungary

5. Social: Launched an Instagram page, where all four pairs documented their adventures

6. Branded Content: We have filmed a one-of-a kind branded content, a 35 minute long documentary

7. Event: At the end of the campaign we organized a red carpet premier screening open to the media