Cannes Lions


PARTIZAN, Paris / HENKEL / 2009

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"Powertape can". A campaign to promote Power-tape's infinite usages and to get people to rethink the adhesive tape as being more than just a strong duct-tape.Starting with the idea that traditional media could not illustrate our message: "6 billion people 6 billion usages" we decided to create a website featuring 20 viral films that each showed a creative interpretation of what the product can be used for. In addition to that we created a contest in which we regrouped all of the videos and asked the users to come up with their own ideas of what they would do with the tape. The most creative ideas would then be shot and put on the website along the other videos. Video banners showed parts of the videos and ended with the mention "Write your own" on Powertape-can.The videos received over 1,5 million views in France one month after their launch.

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