Dubai Lynx



Case Film
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What is the background and context?

The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) was celebrating its 75th anniversary on August 1, 2020. We needed to commemorate this anniversary in a special way; however, it was coming at a difficult time.

Despite trust, morale was low.

A career in the army is hard, but it is even harder in a country whose citizens barely trust the government and where the political, social, and economic situation is very unstable.

People wanted change, thus triggering the ongoing Lebanese Revolution where citizens began engaging in unsafe and violent activities, including burning tires and vandalizing properties. It was the role of the army to control their own compatriots, avoid violence and uphold peace. A demotivating and tiring role.

Who is our target audience?

This was an internal communication campaign aimed at an unusual audience: the troops of the LAF, consisting of over 70,000 active personnel with the ground force representing the majority of the troops. Troops of all religious and cultural affiliations share sleeping quarters and food, facing the same dangers standing shoulder to shoulder.

Our goal was to also reach the troops’ friends and family who needed to believe in them and the important role they played, as well as the larger public including all of Lebanon's residents who interact with the military daily.

What was the challenge?

In a time of political instability and internal chaos, how could we reframe the army’s role – both to themselves and to all citizens – in the context of difficult peacekeeping missions in their home country?

What was the insight that unlocked our strategic approach?

For centuries, soldiers have worn camouflage to hide from enemies in combat. As such, camouflage patterns are perceived as symbols of war and hostility.

The LAF plays a different role in times of peace: to protect and help its citizens. Many real-life moments have been captured where the army has shown solidarity and helped their people. If such moments were captured and are not just an intangible thought, we could use them to show soldiers that they were more than pawns in a game of war and that they had an important role in driving peace, unity, and love amongst Lebanese.

What was the creative idea?

We introduced PeaceCamo. On the 75th Anniversary of the LAF, we transformed camouflage from a symbol of war to an icon of peace.

A new and modernized version of military uniform with camouflage that showcases messages of peace, unity, and love through patterns inspired from captured moments of both LAF troops helping its citizens and solidarity for the army by Lebanese citizens. The uniform was presented during anniversary celebrations, where soldiers marched the capital city of Beirut wearing their new symbol of peace.

Why did the campaign succeed?

With a simple and innovative initiative, we not only boosted the morale of thousands in the LAF, but we also successfully reframed their role for themselves, their families and the people of Lebanon.

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