Cannes Lions

Penguin Soap Opera



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
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There are about 130 aquariums in Japan, and penguins can be seen in many of them. The fact that penguins are present in all aquariums has led people to pay less attention to individual penguins; however, we wanted to share the discovery that these penguins actually have individual personalities and social interactions similar to those of human beings. Using the breeding records kept by the staff over many years as a starting point, we set out to create a relationship chart (Penguin Soap Opera) that included all the penguins as well as the staff. The goal was not only to give people the opportunity to become fond of each penguin but also to intuitively understand how SUMIDA AQUARIUM and KYOTO AQUARIUM deal with living creatures.


We designed a relationship chart (Penguin Soap Opera) that openly showcases the "individuality" and "sociality" of each penguin, and displayed beside them. Through this innovative exhibition approach, our goal was to intuitively demonstrate that penguins possess "individuality" and "sociality" similar to humans, and to encourage visitors to identify their favorite individual penguin. By meticulously detailing all relationships in the chart, our aim was not only to foster an affinity for the penguins but also to convey the deep appreciation and keen observational skills of the aquarium staff for these animals.


Our strategy was to change people's perceptions of penguins and foster an affinity for each individual penguin.

To achieve this, we introduced concepts such as "gender-neutral relationships" and "penguins struggling with penguin relationships," incorporating insights from human romantic and friendship dynamics, as well as the current cultural context, without any fictional embellishments.

This made the relationship chart interesting and relatable not only to traditional penguin fans, but also to many other people. In addition to the social media posts by visitors, various media outlets shared the discovery that penguins have individuality and sociality.


We have envisioned this project not as a one-time measure but as an enduring original content for both aquariums, intended for promotion both within and outside the facilities over a span of six years. The Relationship Chart has been updated annually to continue to show the changing relationships, effectively communicating that individuality and sociality are diverse and change on a daily basis. Through regular updates, we not only generate a continuous buzz on social media but also build awareness of the individuality and social behavior of penguins among a wide audience.


This new exhibition approach focused on the individuality and social behaviors of penguins attracted a lot of attention from the first year. We updated the chart every year for six years, and each update became a major story, especially on social media resulted in 18.4 million impressions. Moreover:

- It was adapted into an anime as a special program on public broadcasting.

- It was also made into a comic book and published.

- It became an industry standard; aquariums across Japan followed suit.

- Social media posts from international visitors led to coverage in English and Chinese news.

The Penguin Soap Opera has become synonymous with both the Sumida and Kyoto Aquariums, sparking a revolution in the industry and reshaping the perception of penguins.