Cannes Lions

Peoples of the Forest


Presentation Image
Case Film






Peoples of the forest has always been an important part of Brazilian culture. But, since Jair Bolsonaro became president of Brazil on 1 January, these people had been obligated to fight for their right to exist. Bolsonaro had promised that not another centimetre of indigenous land would be protected under his leadership. He announced his intention to forcibly integrate peoples of the forest. This situation is spreading an violent wave of fear, since these people are being attacked with the explicit aim of destroying them, forcibly assimilating them and plundering their land. And things are already changing - for worse. On his first day of presidency, Bolsonaro took the responsibility for the demarcation and regulation of indigenous territories away from the Indigenous Affairs Department and handed it to the Ministry of Agriculture. This terrible context was the starting point of ISA’s campaign to raise these voices of peoples of the forest for their right to exist and resist.


To raise these voices that are being more and more silenciated, we reunited the most significant leaders of indigenous people, riverbank dwellers, maroon communities, forest collectors and other peoples of the forest to send a strong message through a powerful film. The TVC raised awareness to the drastic situation that people of the forest are facing - and sometimes we can’t see it. In the beginning of the film you can’t really say if the locution is talking about the forest itself or the people that live in it. Because that’s the primary idea: they are one. If you value the forest and all the amazing things it give to the society like our climate regulation or our medicines, you must protect people of the forest too. And they need to be heard before it’s too late.


The main approach was focused on the TVC and its strong message. The media strategy was divided in two pillars. First, the awareness to the TVC and after that, conversion to landing page that contains more information about the cause and the institute. We worked with a media plan with national reach, reinforcing the biggest capitals with OOH formats to reach as many people as possible and bringing relevance to the cause.


The campaign started in 22 of April, the same day that began the most important indigenous manifestation at Brasilia, seat of the Brazilian government. We begin to spread the TVC and the message through celebrities and influencers using their social profiles and huge followers base. In the same day, we also had spots of our TVC on TV Globo, the biggest Optv broadcaster. To increase our coverage, we amplified the TVC in more than 35 movie sessions in different capitals and expand our communication in OOH formats. On digital, we explored different audiences. Using Youtube and Instagram, we excluded people that already engage with environment institutes (because they probably know the iniciative) and focused our media in a qualified target that has interest in other world issues, as stereotypes, prejudices and inequality.


- More than 65MM impacts on social media

- More than 114MM impacts on Open TV

- More than 40MM impacts on Pay TV

- More than 35MM impacts on OOH

- More than 9M impacts on Cinema

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