Cannes Lions



Case Film
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It is always quite challenging to invent a campaign for an alcohol brand which can penetrate all the creative fields and spread itself in all channels of communication, even more so when this specific spirit has been banned for over 100 years. But Pernod is one of the most inspiring and legendary brands in the world, created at the beginning of the 19th century and which has influenced so many amazing artists from Verlaine to Rimbaud, from Lautrec to Picasso, as well as Ernest Hemingway and countless others. This long-lasting legacy made it possible for the brand to convince a new generation of artists from the Fashion, Music and Design fields so they could contribute their talent to reviving its intangible assets and its true identity. We created a branded content campaign without directly showing the product. And working with the specifications and limitations of alcohol advertising has pushed us to captivate and reveal the values and intangible assets of the brand, using Fashion, Music and Design as a key driver.


Pernod Absinthe and Kitsuné did draw an audience of tastemakers, music lovers and fashion hipsters through inspirational branded music video, an Absinthe branded Music single sold on iTunes as well as the Pernod Absinthe x Kitsuné 10th Anniversary compilation. Other points of contact were created by fashion and lifestyle marketing using The Absinthe-titled and themed Kitsuné Summer Fashion collection, officially presented during the London, Paris, NY and Tokyo Fashion weeks and sold in all classical networks of distribution.

Music fans and Fashion aficionados can buy Absinthe-inspired products all over the world, and they have proven to like it so far.


Not only has the campaign shown incredible results for the Pernod Absinthe brand, but for the category itself. This unique approach to promoting a spirit has been celebrated by the creative class and the media all around the world.

The Pernod Absinthe x Maison Kitsuné 360 campaign and the Absinthe-titled and themed Maison Kitsuné Summer Fashion collection (officially launched during the London, Paris, NY and Tokyo Fashion weeks) has brought back Absinthe to the forefront, generated over 1000 print and online editorial placements resulting in an estimated 100 million + impressions for the brand.

The 'True Romance' music video have over 2 million views and counting online, broadcasted on all major music channel in the world (MTV, VH1, FUSE, youtube, Vimeo etc…).

Kitsuné Maison’s 10th Anniversary compilation specifically curated around the campaign’s feel and named “The Absinthe Collection”, hitting a #1 category ranking on iTunes and sold at the most respected lifestyle stores worldwide such as Colette in Paris.

Last, but not least, the campaign resulted in an 85% increase of sales for Pernod Absinthe worldwide.

So it has been a massive success from both a brand and consumer perspective.

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