Spikes Asia

Peru, the Great Nation of the Unexpected

ENJIN, Tokyo / PROMPERU / 2019

Case Film






Few Japanese are familiar with Peru's many scenic spots and attractions, apart from Machu Picchu. Many Japanese also consider South America to be on "the other side of the world" and vaguely see Peru as being expensive and troublesome to visit. So relatively few Japanese travel there and conventional travel promotion is not very effective. Our aim was to increase travel to Peru by showing millennials its attractions and letting them know that Peru can be enjoyed on relatively short trips.


Today's information overload made it essential to produce content targeted millennials would seek, because their generation simply ignores content that sounds like a sales pitch. So we had influencers popular with millennials travel throughout Peru in a convincing manner the target could relate to. The movie of the male influencer has a music video style with clever, fast-paced editing and music that conveys the excitement of the journey. The movie of the female influencer is more like a human drama with narration reminiscing about her life and more subtle sound design. To capture the attention of diverse millennials, we launched the two contrasting movies at the same time.


Our strategy was to increase travel to Peru by making people think of Peru as the next country they want to visit, rather than a country they want to visit someday. Toward this end, we created two travel movies with different styles but the same "Peru, the Great Nation of the Unexpected" concept. Each movie stars a different influencer taking the same journey, with styles edited for a sharp contrast to attract a wider range of Japanese millennials. Staying true to the "A week in Peru stays with you forever." message that assures Japanese they can enjoy Peru on a relatively short trip, we only covered locations that could be visited in one week.


While traveling in Peru, the influencers posted photos on their own Instagram pages. Later we created the travel movies and launched them online, especially on social media frequented by our targets: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and most of all PROMPERU’s YouTube channel. When the movies went online, the influencers posted their movies on their Instagram pages at the same time.


Within a month of their release, the movies earned over 2,200K plays and 4.5K engagements on social media. They were also widely covered by the media and the subject of 46 articles. It should be noted that the YouTube Video Completion Rate for both of these 3-minute-long movies exceeded 50%. These results suggest our movies won the hearts of targeted viewers.

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