Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The most crucial objective in developing Piñatex was to find a scalable solution to achieve zero fruit loss from Dole's operations by 2025 – creating a sustainable alternative for rotting pineapple leaves while doing the right for the planet and its people and generating prosperity for the business and the community around it, and making the global fashion industry more sustainable.

We were set to: Increase brand awareness and engagement while positioning the brand as a leader in sustainability.

Change consumer behavior by encouraging the adoption of sustainable products over traditional materials, affecting attitudes towards consumption.

Improve brand health by building a stronger brand reputation for innovation and responsibility, leading to increased consideration and preference.

Generate new revenue streams, impacting both short-term gains and long-term financial success, not only for Dole's business but also for the communities in which it operates.


The creative solution: Turn trash into gold, transforming a waste product—pineapple leaves—into something that would positively impact Dole's business, society, and the planet. Dole partnered with Ananas Anam to develop and expand Piñatex, a technological, sustainable, and vegan-friendly textile alternative to one of the most wasteful and environmentally damaging materials out there: leather.

The manufacturing of Piñatex doesn't use any water, any land, or any fertilizers. Unlike other "vegan" leathers, Piñatex contains no plastic whatsoever and has no residual waste. Excess fibers are put back into the machine for use.

Dole and Ananas Anam's collaboration has effectively utilized a by-product of pineapple farming, addressing environmental issues while providing socio-economic benefits to rural communities. The execution of this idea showcased how a creative solution can lead to a sustainable business model while benefiting the environment and society.


We strategically found a scalable solution to achieve zero fruit loss from Dole's operations in less than 5 years – creating a sustainable alternative for rotting pineapple leaves while doing the right thing for the planet and its people and generating prosperity for the business and the community around it. And fighting the leather business, especially in fashion. The leather industry represents the second largest polluting industry after the oil industry. By partnering Dole, the largest producer of pineapples in the world, with Ananas Anam the creator of vegan leather. Piñatex as a result, becomes an effective strategic solution.


The Context: As one of the world's largest producers of fresh pineapple, Dole has historically dealt with the issue of what to do with pineapple leaves after harvest time. For every ton of pineapple packaged, three tons of leaves are wasted, sometimes left to rot in landfills, producing methane emissions 28 to 34 times more harmful than CO2.

The goal: Find a scalable solution to achieve zero fruit loss from Dole's operations in less than 5 years – creating a sustainable alternative for rotting pineapple leaves while doing the right thing for the planet and its people and generating prosperity for the business and the community around it.

The creative solution: Turn trash into gold, transforming a waste product—pineapple leaves—into something that would positively impact Dole's business, society, and the planet. Dole partnered with Ananas Anam to develop and expand Piñatex, a technological, sustainable, and vegan-friendly textile alternative to one of the most wasteful and environmentally damaging materials out there: leather.

The manufacturing of Piñatex doesn't use any water, any land, or any fertilizers. Unlike other "vegan" leathers, Piñatex contains no plastic whatsoever and has no residual waste. Excess

fibers are put back into the machine for use.

Dole and Ananas Anam's collaboration has effectively utilized a by-product of pineapple farming, addressing environmental issues while providing socio-economic benefits to rural communities. The execution of this idea showcased how a creative solution can lead to a sustainable business model while benefiting the environment and society.

The Execution: The idea came to life with a close-to-zero marketing budget, requiring only other brands' adoption of the textile, Nike being the most notorious one. When they announced their "Happy Pineapple" sneakers would be made from Piñatex, the fashion world took notice, and more and more brands started using Piñatex. Today, over 1,000 brands in more than 80 countries—including Nike, Boss, H&M, and Hilton—are using Piñatex. Its adoption spans the fashion, automotive, design, and architecture industries.

The Results: Presented at the United Nations and recognized as a world-class example of sustainable development through brand actions, an immense win and honor for both brands. Piñatex also enabled the creation of over 550 jobs in rural farming communities in the Philippines in 2022. 1729 tons of pineapple leaves were saved from being wasted. 2,794 Tons of CO2 were saved from being released into the air in 2022. 83% Reduction in fruit loss has been achieved so far by Dole Sunshine company; and Ananas Anam achieved a 15% reduction of CO2 emissions. The Dole brand garnered over 1.7 billion organic impressions and $15.9 million in advertising value equivalence. More than 100,000 new retail stores started selling Dole Sunshine Company Products globally. In addition, Piñatex has contributed to 11 of the 17 UN SDGs. Piñatex is a 100% vegan product now certified by PETA and the Vegan Society, and REACH compliant, providing assurance that it's free from harmful chemicals. With the success of Piñatex, Piñayarn was launched in Nov 2022, a low impact yarn,100% plant-based, recyclable, and biodegradable.


The Execution: The idea came to life with a close-to-zero marketing budget, requiring only other brands' adoption of the textile, Nike being the most notorious one. When they announced their "Happy Pineapple" sneakers would be made from Piñatex, the fashion world took notice, and more and more brands started using Piñatex. Today, over 1,000 brands in more than 80 countries—including Nike, Boss, H&M, and Hilton—are using Piñatex. Its adoption spans the fashion, automotive, design, and architecture industries.


The work garnered more than 1.7 billion impressions and $15.9 million in advertising value equivalency (AVE)​​. It showcased the brand's commitment to sustainability, generating campaign recall and response through its partnerships with high-profile brands like Nike, H&M, Hugo Boss, and others, demonstrating a tangible change in the industry's approach to materials.

Presented at the United Nations and recognized as a world-class example of sustainable development through brand actions, an immense win and honor for both brands. Piñatex also enabled the creation of over 550 jobs in rural farming communities in the Philippines. 1729 tons of pineapple leaves were saved from being wasted. 2,794 Tons of CO2 were saved from being released into the air and Ananas Anam achieved a 15% reduction of CO2 emissions.

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