Cannes Lions

Planetary Guardians



2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Presentation Image






Our Planet is an interconnected system, and we need to start responding to the root causes of its issues, not just the symptoms. That is why Johan Rockström and over 28 of the best scientists in the world have created a measurement model called Planetary Boundaries.

This model scientifically identifies nine Planetary Boundaries within which humanity can continue to thrive. Unfortunately, six of them have been crossed.

However, there’s hope, and this model can guide us, highlighting the potential tipping points and providing solutions for a healthy partnership between people and the Planet.

The Planetary Guardians were created to safeguard these boundaries and raise awareness of our current situation. This independent collective elevates science to make the Planetary Boundaries a measurement for the world.

The agency was challenged to create the brand positioning and visual identity of the brand, which was launched during Climate Week in NYC in 2023.


Earth is fascinating. It’s beautiful, complex, and ever-changing. But some changes have a massive impact on our society, just like they do on our climate.

Research shows that, when it comes to these changes, audiences don’t know who to listen to. So, when creating Planetary Guardians’ brand positioning and visual identity, Bloom brought them the most important voice to listen to – the Earth’s voice.

Going beyond design elements, we established a visual identity powered by the Earth’s “voice.”

Collaborating with Aza Raskin and the Earth Species Project, the design employs machine learning to transform sounds emitted by nature into 3d shapes that become our logo and the entire visual identity system.

Currently, the visual represents the Great Barrier Reef, The Amazon Rainforest, and the Arctic Tern, but this is just the beginning. The brand will keep evolving, just as our planet does.


Our positioning strategy comprehensively analyzed the culture of climate change and earth systems shifting narratives across global communications. From there, we strategized deeper, reviewing consumer narrative engagement data including climate change communication frequency, climate change topic subsect prioritisation, and perceived solution urgency. Our findings designed the channel archetype of a trustworthy narrative or communication medium for the brand positioning and identity development to follow: that of a data-driven yet engaging narrative often found in documentary filmmaking.

The audience for this work and our client was wide and diverse. The brand is B2B2C. The Planetary Guardians work across public and private sectors with the goal to engage all parties and facilitate unique conversation and partnership for our planet earth not before seen. So, we level-set our channel archetype finding with the diverse audience and notably analysed a comprehensive landscape of 50+ leading NGOs to ensure no others leverage the same positioning


A single point represents the acoustic structure of a short clip of audio. We get the points by using a machine learning algorithm to take the audio clip and compress it down to 3 measurements, which correspond to the 3 axes in the animations. The different axes don’t signify any characteristic of the sounds we could perceive, such as pitch; they’re more like combinations of different acoustic characteristics that the model is able to measure.

The creation of point clouds is a complex process. We took the three recordings, meticulously chopped them into numerous small overlapping clips, and then engaged the machine-learning model to generate the X/Y/Z coordinates for each clip. We used 0.5 second clips with lots of overlap so it was possible to generate lots of points for each recording.

Because of how the dimensionality reduction works, when we project an entire audio recording onto three axes, the points naturally form a cloud. Since so much variation is being condensed down into few measurements, each axis has a (more or less) normal distribution of points across it.

When the model thinks two audio clips are similar, the points representing those clips are placed close to one another in 3-D space. For that reason, we’d expect that many of the points from the same recording will be close to each other in the point cloud since different clips from the same recording are probably acoustically somewhat similar.

At its core, a point cloud is a significant representation of the acoustic structure of an audio file. However, it’s important to note that it’s an abstract representation.

Currently, the visual represents the Great Barrier Reef, The Amazon Rainforest, and the Arctic Tern, but this is just the beginning. The brand will keep evolving, just like our planet.


The main goal for our work launching the Planetary Guardians was to help lift the science of the Boundaries. We were tasked with reimagining the system and sparking a cultural shift. This was achieved by providing a visual identity that credibly uses science and storytelling to influence humanity's relation with the planet.

The brand launched at Climate Week. One of the KPIs was to urgently raise awareness of the planetary boundaries and that we have already crossed six of them. This got the attention of many media outlets including articles in Time magazine, The Guardian, and the Independent.

An additional KPI was the facilitation of the partnership with individuals that will act as Guardians. Critical to this success was the development of the brand, and subsequent launch of it during Climate Week. Twelve guardians were confirmed and participated in the unveiling of the organisation at the Virgin Hotel, Times Square.

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