Cannes Lions


ACW GREY TEL AVIV, Tel Aviv / DELTA / 2013

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Case Film
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Delta Lingerie wanted to create an innovative campaign for the launch of their innovative product with a $0 budget. The objectives were to increase sales and awareness by generating massive online buzz among the target audience using an exceptional proposition – A One Time Sale.

We wanted the chosen platform for the idea to support the concept of innovation and advancement while contributing to the personal and intimate strategy we established. We therefore turned to the best place we can think of - the consumer's own, private mobile.

The campaign was launched a few days after the unveiling of Facebook Poke, which was the world’s number one app on the App Store and allowed users to send one-time, self-destructing videos to one another, using their mobile.

We realized that Facebook Poke was the perfect platform to communicate the limited sale and so came to life the First Facebook Poke Campaign.

The concept was simple: a one-time video for a one-time sale.

We created a 10-second sexy video of our model, Israel's most popular singer, getting dressed in Delta’s lingerie. The video included the one-time offering promotion. We then sent the video to Delta’s Facebook fans that were caught by surprise when they received it. The fans couldn't share the video, as it was deleted from their mobile - the moment it ended.

Using the mobile platform allowed us to keep the "secret" between the brand and the loyal fan while maximizing the utilities and technology that the mobile arena offered.

Due to the exclusive and mysterious nature of the marketing engagement, we encountered an astounding mass of engagement and interest in the trick. The campaign made Delta’s Facebook page statistics skyrocket to an all-time record as people were keen on sharing and discussing the extreme experience they just had and wondered if anyone else received the video. We became the talk of the social network.

The results of the campaign were overwhelming - while we spent $0 on media, the campaign generated a worldwide buzz that made Delta’s online store crash for several hours. Delta’s Facebook page gained thousands of new fans and the connection with existing costumers got stronger. We’ve tracked thousands of websites and news sites that covered the campaign, TV stations and newspaper articles gaining an earned media worth $420,000. But most importantly, Delta’s online store traffic rose by 25%.


The main media chosen for this campaign was mobile since it's where Delta’s target audience spends most of the time and due to its personal, secretive character. The goal was to surprise the target audience and create a media platform from a social one. The timing of this campaign couldn’t be better as we gained the buzz around the launch of Facebook Poke, adding to Delta Lingerie's hype.

Because of the unique nature of our campaign and the fact that people couldn’t share our video through mobile, they had to talk about it somewhere. So they turned to Delta’s Facebook page which during the time of this campaign gained thousands of new fans and reached all-time record statistics.

While we didn't craft the campaign on a social platform, the content and its exclusivity made the fans transfer it to the Facebook arena, opening it to a wide and relevant crowd.


Our mission was to recruit existing customers to serve as our sponsors and spread the campaign. We managed to do so with a $0 media budget, the campaign made Delta’s Facebook page statistics skyrocket to an all-time record the campaign. It also generated a worldwide buzz that made Delta’s online store crash for several hours. Thousands of websites, news sites and TV stations covered the campaign, gaining an earned media worth $420,000. But most importantly, Delta’s online store traffic rose by 25%. Our fans got a taste of our creative character and couldn't avoid telling sharing it with the world.

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