
Polosa Chudes

PHD, Moscow / VOLKSWAGEN / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film






Polo is a key model in Volkswagen's portfolio in the Russian market. For many years, Polo has steadily increased its market share, but it has never been a segment leader.

Over 10 years of presence in Russia, Polo has gained the trust of an adult audience that values quality and reliability. However, the customer’s average age was over 40 years old, which no longer corresponded to the image of the updated Polo and seriously limited the model’s potential market.

Polo’s perception among young people has always been in a negative zone compared to its main competitors. After the large-scale update of Polo in 2020, we were faced with the task of expanding the audience of clients by attracting young people without losing the model’s current loyal audience.


The focus was on Young adults (25–34 years old), who belong to the modern generation of consumers who not only value the quality of cars, but also ergonomics, bright appearance, technology and innovation.

It was decided to place the video clip before the start of full-scale media activity in support of the new Polo. The project became a teaser for the main advertising campaign and served as a catalyst for the attention of a young audience.

This approach provided increased attention to the new Polo throughout the entire period of media support for the model.


We created a viral video clip instead of the standard OLV campaign.

To maximize organic reach and native teasing, the video was originally posted only on the Chicken Curry channel.

After organic traffic began to slow down growth, paid promotion tools were activated – seeding in thematic publics and support with advertising formats in social networks and on YouTube.

The target audience was divided into two segments, and depending on which, unique targeting and a list of communities for seeding were formed:

1. The most targeted users interested in sedans, Volkswagen brand and competitors.

2. A wider audience for which the video might be relevant. In this case, it was users interested in entertainment and travel.

When forming the budget, we relied on statistics on the consumption of selected resources by our audience and based on the calculation of capacities for selected targeting and bid analysis.


As a result of bright communication, organic traffic on the site of the new Volkswagen Polo increased by 120%, and by 69% for the audience 25–34. The average monthly volume of search queries about the new Polo in Yandex has grown 2.4 times since the start of activities.

Due to the high virality of the video, we received more than 13 million views across all digital channels, which is 2.5 times higher than the average for product videos.

The cost per view of the video on YouTube was 44% lower than the average for model campaigns.

On the Chicken Curry YouTube channel, our video organically collected 13,000 likes and a lot of positive comments. And the official Volkswagen Russia YouTube channel has more than 1,200 likes, which is 10 times higher than the average value for product videos on the brand's channel.

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