Cannes Lions


AOI, Taipei City / RUMA / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film
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• Situation

The net worth of the interior design industry within the country is about five billion dollars annually, among of which 20%, or 1 billion dollars, is used toward materials such as chopped wood.

• Brief

Carbonized bamboo wood is being developed for household furniture given that it is ecological and environmentally friendly. It uses high temperature and pressure to form the material. Then, it is made into bamboo furniture.

• Objectives

1. To promote the carbonized bamboo wood as the primary material for designers choosing suitable materials for their works.

2. The main goal is to reduce the pace of global warming and the effects of greenhouse gases when consumers use Bamboo peoducts.

• Budget

Filming costs : 5,000 USD

Design & production : 5,000 USD

• Project scale and volume

Having sent the “Popsitable” film to more than 10,000 interior designers in Taiwan.


Popsicle, makes you feel cool ; Popsitable , cool down our earth.

I believe many of us share the similar childhood memory : In a leisurely afternoon, no matter what flavor of the popsicle I took out from the freezer in the grocery store, the sweetness of my heart slowly flowed in the memory, always looking forward to finish that popsicle, hoping to see “Get one more for free” words written on the stick in Taiwan. This carries out a unique temperature within people. The designer cleverly transformed popsicle bamboo sticks, a small object that has deep memory for adults and children, into simple and elegant design. Creating a golden ratio exclusive to the Popsitable with Carbonized Bamboo Wood. Every detail is the result of the constantly pulling between imagining and the reality. Replace "wood" with "bamboo", there is no need to deforest. By RUMA.


Therefore we took the shape of the popsicle sticks, taking its shape, transform into rounded the R angle and refreshing straight lines to present the various parts of the table and chair. The most outstanding part of Popsitable is its legs.The surface is like a large version of the front of a popsicle stick. The n-shaped support the structure and the articulated structure design under the desktop. Simple but solid in space.What is Carbonized Bamboo Wood ? Is it Bamboo? Or Wood?

It is the revolution of “Bamboo”, a material seems to be traditional, somehow it is the result of High- Tech Material studies for more than ten years.

Our Material is taken from the raw bamboo, crushing into threads, followed by Carbonization with High temperature and pressure in order to process anti-rot and anti-pest. Finally, after soaking in green adhesive and hot pressing, here comes our Carbonized Bamboo Wood.


• Value added to brand

RUMA is known for specializing in furniture manufacturing with carbonized bamboo wood.

• Value for consumer

Popsicle, makes you feel cool ; Popsitable , cool down our earth.

• Reach / cultural impact

Carbonized bamboo wood is a great substitute for interior design material.

• Sales

By the end of February 2021, there has already been three-hundred-thousand dollars worth of closing deals related to carbonized bamboo wood.

• Achievement against brief

As of today, over 500 Taiwanese interior designers have accumulated who are willing to use carbonized bamboo woods and are introducing this material to new clients.

• Other KPIs

Benefits of Carbonized Bamboo Wood

Replace "wood" with "bamboo", there is no need to deforest. Agriculture and deforestation account for 25% of Global Greenhouse gas emissions in human activities.