Cannes Lions

Por Amor: Love Letter To Mexico

ANOMALY, New York / DON JULIO / 2024

Case Film
Supporting Content
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2023 was a critical crossroads for Don Julio. Tequila was booming, and the competition was stiff: new brands bombarding the category (-114 Tequila Luxury+ brand extensions have launched since March 2020) and jeopardizing attention, while many legacy competitors converged around the same claims on craft and Mexican heritage.

In order to decisively claim its rightful place as category leader, Don Julio had to not just distinguish itself from the pack, but also pull away from preconceived notions of tequila as shot fodder.

The mandate: Become a modern luxury icon from Mexico. Don Julio had a truth no other brand could claim: it was the top tequila in Mexico with roots grown nearly a century deep. Leaning into our heritage in a contemporary way would unlock the next chapter in tequila’s growth, redefining the spirit in the US as aspirational and authentic, with Don Julio at the vanguard.


Our film’s track is a magnetic invocation of our homeland’s heart and soul, celebrating modern Mexico and its people who live 'Por Amor.'

"Por Amor" by Rafael Solano, a Dominican artist, not only lyrically delivers our platform line but also embodies the soul of the film: timeless, elegant and anthemic. And its emotive melodies ripe for modernization by our collaborator, Lao of Mexico City’s record label NAAFI.

Stylistically, our remix aims to take the audience on a ride that encapsulates the spirit of a diverse modern Mexico. We choreograph scenes of underground clubs and rooftops in Mexico City with driving percussion and the distinct shouts of a Sonidero. Then, through an open agave field, a lienzo and the odd smoke-filled salsa club - find our way back to the vibrance of Solano’s original piece - a nod to the rich history and the heart of the brand.


The launch helped distinguish ourselves from the steady competitive rise, further cementing our credentials as the #1 selling tequila globally.

In NA, during the quarter following launch, the brand was up 21% in sales and up 58 BPS of category share vs last year.

In NA, we jumped from seventh in the category to third demonstrating an increase not just in brand’s own leadership, but in playing a role in the category’s future.

Earned impressions and view rates indicated consume, establishing purpose and intent:

1.7B+ impressions.

Earned reach was 0.10%, 25% higher than the benchmark of 0.08%

Video view rates were 8.51%, 70% higher than the benchmark of 5%

​​Campaign earned media coverage showed significant message pull through with 62% of coverage including key brand messaging

We saw the work resonate at a meaningful level with consumers, through comments, shares and even integration in nightclubs as a new media vehicle.

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