Cannes Lions


WEBDOTE, Lisbon / CORREIOS / 2007

Presentation Image






English Synopsis / Objectives / Target Group CTT, Correios de Portugal (The Portugal Postal Service) customer of this campaign, intended with this viral marketing postcard to promote: a new service 'Green Box'; to fortify the relationship between the CTT and UNICEF and to increase the database for use in future campaigns. The motto of this campaign of viral marketing was: 'For each 20 postcards sent, a child will receive one gift courtesy of CTT. CTT has a thousand of gifts to offer'.The solution provided to reach these goals was the development of a free Virtual Christmas Postcard. The sending process/visualisation of the postcard had three phases: 1: Reception of the message: where the user receives a message in his personal email. This message was written on a 'Green Box' as if it were an actual package, promoting the new CTT 'Green Box' packaging/service.2: Christmas Postcard Animation.3: Sending the Christmas postcard: At the end of the animation, the viewer was provided access to a form in order to send that same postcard to 20 emails of friends with a personal message.The campaign began on the 19th December 2006 and ended on the 6th January 2007. The results were highly beneficial and the total goals established by the customer had been reached. In only 4 days, 256,755 postcards were sent and 159,666 postcards had been read. The viral marketing campaign reached 88 countries and CTT had distributed 12,837 presents. In all, the campaign (between 19th December and 12th January) sent 325,304 postcards and reached 103 countries. In global numbers, 695,847 were page views and 204,172 were visits.

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