
PostNord - Brand Identity

BOLD, Stockholm / POSTNORD / 2021


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Case Film
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PostNord is the leading supplier of communication and logistics solutions to, from, and within the Nordic region. In 2019 the PostNord brand was struggling and even though the brand was well-known, the brand image was extremely negative. In order to reposition the brand we identified four key attributes that drives sales within PostNord’s category: simple, personal, trustworthy and adaptable to consumer needs. Our hypothesis was that if the new identity managed to strengthen PostNord’s link to these attributes the brand would be more liked, more preferred and the willingness to pay for the brand’s services would increase.


The design is built around the idea that PostNord is the link between people and the things they care about. We approached this as a holistic concept that places people at the center of the story. Our aim was to change perceptions by connecting the service with what it means to people on a more emotional level — from the anticipation of knowing their parcel is on its way, to the exciting moment of receiving it.

In essence, whoever you are and whatever you’re waiting for, PostNord connects you and your world!


At the heart of the identity is a dynamic new element we call “the link” — a simple yet adaptable graphic device that reflects PostNord’s role as the connection between sender and receiver. Developed around the existing PostNord wordmark, the link serves as a cohesive foundation for our new layout system, tailor-made typeface, illustration styles and more.

For a brand that’s constantly on the move in an increasingly digital landscape, the identity had to feel truly at home in motion. So, the link was brought to life through a set of dynamic motion principles and intuitive UI behaviors. A tactile set of hero illustrations were then developed around familiar shipping materials to link the digital expression back to the physical nature of the service and the joy of the unboxing experience.

Finally, an expressive new cast of supporting colors were introduced to complement and enhance PostNord’s signature blue hue.


The new identity has had an immediate and impressive effect. The design evaluation shows that PostNord’s new visual identity consistently outscores the old identity in all four key attributes.

Also, the liking for the brand when applying the new identity is a massive 51%. Even more important - the preference for PostNord is up 22% and the willingness to pay for PostNord’s services is up a whopping 175% when analyzing the results for the new and old identities.

All in all, it is safe to say that the new visual identity has been a critical leap on PostNord’s repositioning journey.

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BOLD, Stockholm



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