Cannes Lions

Pride Buns

NORD DDB, Copenhagen / MCDONALD'S / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
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To convey a strong message about diversity and gender equality McDonald’s launched “Pride Buns” during Denmark’s biggest diverse human rights festival. They changed the way burgers were built, using two top buns for the burger – or two bottom buns.

Because two of the same kind are also a great match. A very simple, yet game-changing break of conventions.


Pride Buns was launched on 19th august 2017 – which was the day of the big festival parade. Weeks prior to launch, the McDonald’s staff was briefed, so they were aware of the new way of making a burger.

The night before the event, McDonald’s released a video on their main social channels (facebook and Instagram) communicating the new product. In stores we used posters, T-shirts, stickers and other POS-signs to showcase the new “bun system”.


The launch videos reached more than 400.000 people which is almost 10% of the Danish population, but more importantly the media wrote about the stunt. Among many others, two of the biggest news media’s (TV2 and Jyllansposten) picked up the story and even awarded the initiative as the Best Pride Celebration of all in the country.

People in the restaurants by far favoured PrideBuns vs. “regular top/bottom buns”, but since the case is all about shifting opinions towards diversity and open mindedness, results are hard to measure at this point.

That being said, Pride Buns helped break the record for the McDonald’s Denmark’s trust score in 2017 – never seen higher.

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