Cannes Lions


JWT SHANGHAI, Shanghai / CEPF / 2011

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To help reduce the number of company cars on the road, a CEO bus pool was created. This is an event bus that lets CEOs network, meet new prospects, get free PR and do some good for the environment.


Months before the event, an e-invitation in a form of an animated video was sent to a "wish list" of guests. The client had the support of the Belgium Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce to help promote this event. We had to set 3 contingency dates just to make sure we can get the CEOs to be available on the same date. Upon their RSVP, bus routes were drawn and itineraries were planned. This was a one-morning event from 7.30am in the morning (first CEO pickup) to about 10am (last CEO drop off).Due to the unpredictable traffic conditions between the CEOs’ homes and their offices, some of the CEO’s ETA were delayed by about 15 minutes.


This pilot project was well received by the attendees, which included the Chairman of the Belgium Chamber of Commerce and the General Manager of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China. They are requesting for more CEO Bus Pool events and they’re promoting it to other members in their society. There’s now a waiting list for the next Green Class Bus event.The China Environmental Protection Foundation is currently planning to make this a regular event in 12 other major cities in China.

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1 Cannes Lions Award



2009, CEPF

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