Cannes Lions


DDB ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / PUMA / 2011

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We had a huge wall, a very limited budget. So we decide not making an advertising campaign. We choose to develop a social cause with the most important resources that we had: the human resources. The media chosen to get high levels of awareness and engagement was the Internet. The platform to generate empathy was the real world. Without more than a team of 5 voluntary and idealists we travel our country bringing together those towns that were enemy by geographical, political or ideological questions. We proposed to them to watch all together each game of the Argentine team. All the trip and the matches were registered in real-time through the videos, photos and blogs so everyone of the Argentine can live the histories through facebook, tweeter, youtube in the website (live ad). Finally we carry out expositions in museums showing the re results we got.


We would be hypocrites if we only say that we enlarge considerably the sales of Puma, because that wasn’t ours main objective. With a very limited budget, but with an idea, and a lot of effort, conviction and hope, we show that a brand can be benefited promoting good values. Each game put an end to a conflict. And each conflict resolved, was a new beginning. Sadly Argentina was eliminated of the world cup in quarter finals, but after 5 match we made that 5 Argentine towns with huge ideological differences, got together again. And we believe that the union makes the force. It can maybe be little. But for us means a lot.

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