Cannes Lions



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The team created a campaign with goals of amplifying various components of the overall project. In order to do so, they pursued features discussing how feminist history aligns with QUEENS; exploring matriarchal societies in the animal kingdom, and the unique perspectives of female filmmakers and scientists. They celebrated the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of conservation; and the universal matriarchal bond. Coverage also leaned into the fact that QUEENS flips the previously male dominated narrative and reveals the unique feminine behaviors in animal matriarchies. They utilized interviews with the all female creative team to share their experience working in natural history programming thus far, sharing behind the scenes stories, and teasing what viewers can expect from the expansive series utilizing exclusive images, and first look teaser assets.


Our goal was to establish QUEENS as an industry-shifting moment for National Geographic and the Natural History genre at large. We did this through a breadcrumb strategy – giving people little elements of the series one drop at a time – generate curiosity, buzz, awareness and fan excitement for QUEENS as THE blue-chip original series from National Geographic with strategic pitching, mailers, events, synergy, and cross pollination with pop culture to break out of the tv campaign mold.


Strategy and tactics used for this campaign leaped out of the box to get the word out far and wide. Press and influencers were taken on an immersive safari experience to embed themselves in the majesty of QUEENS, film festivals screenings and panels highlighted the female-led production team — groundbreaking in the natural history space, Hillary Clinton introduced the premiere event, which included a live musical performance, unveiling of a music video drop and a Queen’s Ball. The campaign continued with National Geographic’s first ever Fashion Week activation - complete with hologram animals, panels and a custom mural at SXSW, and continuing festival presence. The series is from a female led crew – from production to music and PR and marketing, unlike any other series before in this genre. We crafted unique pitches to harness pop culture moments to propel buzz and interest, emphasizing the award-winning pedigree of the producers.


The series is from a female led crew and PR team – unlike any other series before in this genre. We crafted unique pitches to harness pop culture moments to propel buzz and interest, emphasizing the award-winning pedigree of the producing team – the legendary, award-winning brand of Nat Geo + Wildstar, the Emmy and BAFTA Award Winning producers.

The team worked a year-long breadcrumb strategy – giving journalists little elements of the series one drop at a time to generate curiosity, buzz, awareness and fan excitement for QUEENS as THE blue-chip original series from National Geographic with strategic pitching, mailers, events, and cross-promotion synergy with internal and external companies. They crafted unique pitches to harness pop culture moments to propel buzz and interest.

Through events and in-person events, they were able to bring reporters into the world of QUEENS, resulting in long-form feature coverage on the series.


In total, the PR team for QUEENS garnered more than 1,200 pieces of earned media including a New Yorker feature on the New York Fashion Week stunt, and garnered worldwide media praise from outlets such as Glamour’s Jessica Radloff : “Epic,”... "one of the most profoundly moving National Geographic series you'll see," The Mirror UK’s Nick Webster: “a massive hit”, Sports Illustrated’s Adam Childs: “powerful,” Okay Africa’s Zee Ngema:“an intimate journey,” BET’s Yesha Callahan: “‘QUEENS’ challenges traditional narratives and reshapes our understanding of female leadership in the animal kingdom and human societies,” Forbes’ Tony Bradley: “Their tales of strength, love, and sometimes loss were profound and moving.” and Laura Manske: “Stunning” … “compellingly spotlight and celebrate animal matriarchies” …“impressive tapestry of a series,” and Neal Geraets from the Sydney Morning Herald : “champions female talent”… “pushing back against norms.”

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