Cannes Lions


MPG, Boston / AMTRAK / 2009

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We connected with potential consumers at the right moment, in the right environment with the right message.At airports…when they got delayed:We positioned spectaculars in terminals, dioramas in baggage claim areas, billboards outside airports and taxi toppers on airport-heavy routes.

We gained exclusive access at the gates through CNN’s Airport feed, keeping Amtrak TOM at delayed gates.

At gas stations…we reminded automotive travellers the cost of filling up:We targeted them up/down the I-95 Northeast highway with 1,500 gas station toppers and nozzle pumps.

Weather/Traffic reports…as they tried to avoid delays:We sponsor local TV/radio live-read traffic/weather and went online with weather-triggered banners on travel/weather sites. A Rail Tab was created for popular travel search engine-and search strategy targeted air travellers.

When they get stuck…to make them consider rail:Bus backs targeted drivers during rush hour. An Amtrak-branded mobile game killed time while waiting in line/at the gate.


We derailed the competition and made 2008 Amtrak’s best year with strong profits and significant spike in ridership: • Total ad recall increased on all product lines:-Amtrak Northeast Customers (69% vs. 64% YAG)-Acela customers (775 vs. 72% YAG)• Total ridership/revenue % increased:-YTD Average Ridership by 11.1%-YTD Average Revenue by 14.2%• 27% first time customers booked because of advertising • +5,000 game downloads • Advertising ROI goals were exceeded, delivering a 4:1 ratio• 300% online booking increase• 50% cost per click decrease• 88% drop in cost per booking

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