Cannes Lions

Read the Signs

SOKO, Sao Paulo / DOVE / 2024

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Case Film






In the summer of 2024, Dove embarked on a mission to further its "Let's change beauty" initiative, launched in 2023, aiming to reconnect with Brazilian women and challenge societal structures impacting their self-esteem.

Unlike the previous year's strategy, which targeted the body-positive community, this approach aimed for broader cultural impact, resonating with a wider spectrum of Brazilian women and sparking brand talkability.

To achieve this, Dove collaborated with the OKNO Institute to understand the root causes of Brazilian women's insecurities. The research revealed that 80% of women in the country sought liberation from stereotypes that reduced them to objectified bodies, especially during summer. The narrative empowered Brazilian women, igniting their desire to rewrite their stories and take control.


The stereotypes of Brazilian beauty often stem from external influences perpetuated by the media.

To truly celebrate authentic feminine beauty, it's essential to deconstruct these preconceptions. Dove is committed to liberating Brazilian women from external expectations and the stereotypes that perpetuate them, embracing their diverse and genuine beauty.

Dove's campaign on female self-esteem targeted male tourists with billboards in English and Spanish. Entitled “Read The Signs,” it challenged the sexualized portrayal of Brazilian women commonly perpetuated by foreign visitors.

During Carnival, the media journey targeted tourist routes, including block routes, airports, waterfronts, and avenues with major hotels in Copacabana. Each location featured a tailored message aimed at fostering awareness and empowerment.


Dove's "Read The Signs" initiative aims to shine a light on the true essence of Brazilian women, challenging entrenched stereotypes both domestically and globally.

The creative strategy targets foreign tourists through impactful messages placed strategically along Rio de Janeiro's tourist routes. Simultaneously, it aims to empower women nationwide, sparking a collective awakening.

By leveraging media intelligence focused on tourist mobility, our approach amplifies communication at key locations like airports, beaches, and carnival zones. Additionally, translations in foreign languages tailored to each setting facilitate a profound connection with the audience.

At Rio de Janeiro International Airport, the campaign reaches over 600 tourists every hour, fostering receptivity to our message advocating respect for Brazilian women. This approach ensures extensive exposure and dissemination to both international and local audiences.


After conducting a study revealing that 80% of Brazilian women aspire to break free from body stereotypes, we formulated our media strategy. We strategically selected high-traffic locations frequented by tourists, including Rio de Janeiro's International Airport, coastal beaches, hotel areas, and popular Carnival gathering spots.

At each location, we installed billboards featuring messages tailored to the local context, challenging harmful biases about Carnival and the objectification of Brazilian women. These messages were displayed in English and Spanish, the primary languages spoken by tourists visiting the country, marking Dove's first local campaign entirely in foreign languages.

Our social media strategy involved a team of female influencers visiting popular Carnival spots, conducting interviews with women on this issue. The generated content was shared on Dove's online channels, creating a safe space for women to share their experiences.


- 10% increase in impacts resulting in nearly R$ 700,000.00 in earned media value

- The brand garnered attention through 18 international news outlets, solidifying its presence on a global scale

- Record in brand health (94%)

- 8.2 percentage point jump in positive comments about the brand

- Press publications 2.8x greater than the previous summer's campaign, even taking place in a period of 40% fewer days

- Flow of 8mm people during Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, with an estimated impact of 28.5mm, generated by OOH messages and 270mm impacts in general

- 3.7 more impacts per post compared to the previous summer campaign

- 4.3 more interactions compared to the previous summer campaign

- 270mm overall impacts

- 28mm estimated outdoor impacts

- 1mm social interactions

- 45.4mm online reach

- More than 600 tourists touched every hour by the campaign at Rio de Janeiro

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