Cannes Lions


FORSMAN & BODENFORS, Gothenburg / REEBOK / 2011

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The Promise Keeper gets you out and running by good old fashioned peer pressure. Every run you promise to make in your online calendar is automatically posted on the social network of your choice and spread to all of your friends. They will also be notified about whether you ran or not.We used Reeboks sportstars by posting personal videos from them directly to people who had made promises reminding them to stick to it, or commenting on their runs or lack of. Many videos even contains the users name making them very personal.Every run promised generates personal updates that also works as ads for Reebok ZigTech. We turned the promises into a media that carried the word about Reebok ZigTech from user to all of their friends. Every promise and follow up also spawns conversation on Facebook and/or Twitter.


The Promise Keeper has, since it’s launch, been talked about in running press and blogs all over the world. WaveMetrix® analysis shows that The Promise Keeper is very well received by users who enjoy sharing their exercise routine with others online. TPK has also proven successful in generating a positive consumer response to Reebok’s new ZigTech trainers, which have special soles meant to give the runner an ‘energy boost’. In addition, the Promise Keeper app has a positive impact on the brand’s fun image.The Promise Keeper has a positive impact on Reebok’ ‘fun’ brand image: 46% of consumer response to the the Promise Keeper app reflects users’ perception of Reebok as a ‘fun’ brand, whilst a further 28% perceive Reebok as an ‘exericse partner’, saying the app “helps” them with keeping to their running schedule.

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