Cannes Lions

Release The Beast on Stage!


Presentation Image
Case Film






Based on Pleasure Seekers’ (brand’s target audience) specific psychographic characteristics

-Passionate for experiences and indulgence

-Following influencers

-Intrigued by high aesthetics and fashion

-Following new trends and all popular events (music and artistic),

we chose to exploit Madwalk, an annual celebration of extravagance in the form of fashion, beauty and art event, and give Pleasure Seekers the chance to release the beast within!


We brought the concept to life, connecting it to the most popular youth culture event in Greece, Madwalk, an annual celebration of extravagance in the forms of fashion, beauty and art.

We inspired some of the hottest fashion designers to design outfits for the models based on 5 avatars of the wild beasts shown in Magic’s TVC.

We chose the most relevant song “Welcome to the Jungle” as a soundtrack

to be performed by 2 popular singers through a wild performance as a duet (connotation to Magic Double), while in the backdrop screen a tailor made video collage of the wild beasts was reinforcing the connotation as the shows' presenter was urging the audience to “release their most wild instincts”

Finally, the Greek popular influencer Olga Farmaki performed the last catwalk holding and biting the new Magic Double!


The results were more than expected:

More than one third of Greek Target Audience (Adults 25-44) caught the catwalk on TV (750k people).

Over 175k watched the catwalk video on YouTube and there were additional 50k views and 3k reactions on social media

Buzz was enormous as it is proved from 15k actions of engagement (likes, comments, shares) in owned, TV channel’s and influencers’ social media.

On top, free TV, print and online publicity generated 320% extra airtime benefit.

Last but not least, sales increased by 40% for the specific SKU, in a declining market!

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