Cannes Lions

Release The Pressure

MINDSHARE, Gurgaon / PEPSICO / 2017

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Case Film
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In emerging India, Teenagers struggle between pursuing traditional ideas of success and embracing emerging ambitions. Teens are defined by mark sheet only instead of their hunger to discover their passion.

In the context of a progressive narrative, our consumer immersions with teenagers revealed an antiquated parenting style where obsession with marks remained strong. An intervention was much needed as India has 2.5mn teenagers who give their exams every year. A few had even written letters to their parents expressing their fears and thoughts of suicide but were too afraid to share them.

The creative idea borrowed from this insight. We created a platform for teenagers to express - An Open Letter straight from the heart where they could pour out their fears – not just of exam failure, but fear of letting their parents down.

Media acted like a megaphone that pricked parent’s conscience and forced them to listen.


We launched the digital film with the YouTube masthead on 16th February. The launch of the film on YouTube we got a lot of comments to put this film on TV so that more parents will view it. We managed to put this film on TV for 3 days across Prime-Time news channels.

We needed a mass platform to drive engagement we tied up with Red FM a leading radio station in India across top 10 metro cities as parents listen to radio while going to their work place. We dominated the station in Prime Time for 2 weeks where RJ’s were talked about the campaign and urged parents to take the pledge.

On the day of the board examination we tied up with credible newspapers and pasted 1 million stickers on the print ad for the parents to stick it on the examination board.


Over 27.7 million views on the Short film. organically took our campaign which delivered 1 million views.

So far the campaign has reached over 154 million people and delivered 649 million impressions.

We received 1,578,915 pledge from parents to release the pressure.

99.9% positive conversations about Mirinda.

PR value of more than 1.8 million dollars. (With investment of just 0.7 million dollars)

The conversation around Mirinda was 138 times higher than the nearest beverage brand.

India’s biggest cricket celebrity Virendra Sehwag and Fashionista Mom Malaika Arora Khan shared their picture with the bottle cap, generating support for campaign.

The conversation around Mirinda was 138 times higher than the nearest beverage brand.

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