Cannes Lions


ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo / MARS / 2024

Supporting Content
Case Film
Presentation Image






Cesar, part of the Mars family of brands, wants to make the world a more dog-friendly place, starting with the workplace. According to studies, dog-friendly policies can positively impact company culture, the employee experience, recruitment and retention. This decision even increases the productivity of people in an office. In other words, being dog-friendly is good for business. Even so, some companies still think that employees asking to bring their dogs to work is unreasonable. The goal of this campaign is to show something genuinely unreasonable (rhinos at the office) to help show how normal it is to have dogs at the office. We wanted to show them that they were the ones being unreasonable, so we asked for something really absurd.


To emphasize how unreasonable it is not to accept people bringing their dogs to officers, we created a campaign showing something really unreasonable: rhino-friendly companies. By showing situations of rhinos living in a company environment, we show business owners and managers that having a dog in the company is not absurd but a good business solution.


Before creating the campaign, we understood managers' fears about not allowing dogs in companies. With this list in mind, we created a campaign focusing on companies, company owners and managers. The employees would be tasked with being co-creators of the campaign, helping request the company to become dog-friendly. The objective was to convey in a humorous, friendly, but straightforward way that having dogs in the company is not unreasonable, but the opposite: unreasonable is not accepting that the company is dog-friendly because dogs only bring positive results to the company and the welfare of employees. The campaign's CTA is clear: make your company a dog-friendly company, it's good for your business.


We then created digital content showing a rhino-friendly company. Emphasizing the scenes in which a rhino destroys everything in the office, we provide the counterpoint with a neighboring, dog-friendly company. Digital content was launched on social media with purchased media focusing on companies. Not long ago, we launched an Instagram filter so that employees could create content for the campaign and thus ask the company to be dog-friendly. The campaign focused on the United States, mainly in states with the largest number of companies.


The campaign caught people’s attention. With 134 million impressions, we reached a higher-than-expected number of companies and generated above-average engagement with the target. The number of dog-friendly companies grew exponentially. After this change to dog-friendly, we carried out a survey in partnership with an NGO and identified that 67% of employees became more productive, 85% had better well-being, and 91% more engaged with the work.

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