Cannes Lions

RMV 20th jubilee campaign 2015


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Case Film
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By telling stories of exciting local adventures, we engaged the people in a playful way. Testimonials of different ages shared their leisure experiences and invited consumers to discover nearby destinations with public means of transport and to spread their stories. We repositioned RMV as a way to explore the region in one’s free time and managed to overcome the often critical stance. To support the leisure-focused approach, we hit the road with a roadshow, engaging our target groups in an entertaining manner.


To get people to rethink RMV, it was important to translate the campaign motto to all measures. So the set-up and all assets needed to be designed around the idea of discovering the region.

The roadshow started with a ceremonial opening event for press and politics on May 28th with a campaign launch. The final destination was the big 3-day event for the anniversary of the German Unity from October 2nd to 4th. From May to October, the content was brought into the region in a consumer-engaging way via roadshow stops at numerous fairs and festivals. Press coverage, OOH, radio spots and online content ensured further activation. Further accompanying measures included a cooperation with a local workshop for the disabled or a dance choreography with an online video.

The roadshow was met with such positive feedback that RMV actually decided to visit more than the originally planned events.


With a total of 65 promotion days in 20 cities at 29 events and festivals, we generated a total reach of 29.5 M contacts. Overwhelmingly positive feedback from RMV and visitors alike showed us that our campaign and roadshow hit the mark.

We handed out 250,000 giveaways, raffled 320 special tickets for the anniversary of the German Unity, our photo-op generated 3,500 hashtag-posts and, last not least, our dance-mob with RMV’s mascot BuBa (with original jubilee song and instructional dance video in the run-up to the celebrations) was a highlight of one of the biggest German parties in 2015 – the celebration of the 25th anniversary of German Unity, at which RMV was the official partner for mobility.

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