Cannes Lions



Case Film
Case Film
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IMPRISONED BY FATE: In rural India due to severe poverty children quit schools to become farm hands or end up as child labour in the big city. Moreover 57% schools have less than 3 teachers, there is severe lack of infrastructure and no computer education whatsoever. With none to help, these children leave their future to fate.

JOINING HANDS: With computer learning being an integral part of modern education Rotary International joined hands with 10,000 schools to initiate a free e-learning program. It was a part of a larger plan to make India 100% literate by 2017.

THE MIRACLE: From conventional schools to orphanages, community centres, night schools, remand homes, schools for hearing impaired and tribal schools the program has benefited lakhs of students in remote villages.

FATELINE – This film showcases a child labour who is imprisoned by the very wall he is building. He tries to escape but fails. As he gives up another hand comes in and breaks the wall. This inspires the boy to uses the fate line as a pole to vault into the other hand that has a computer on it. As fate gets changed more people are invited to help spread the light.


Instead of using trained singers, the song in this commercial is performed by the underprivileged children of Pratham Music School aged between 5 - 14. Abandoned by their parents because of poverty most of these kids stay in the slum area of Govandi in Mumbai, India. Some of them were rescued from child labour while some work in the surrounding garbage dumps. The only break in their cruel daily routine is when they gather in the morning for an hour everyday to sing together.

Not professionally trained it is only during this recording that they had stepped inside a studio for the first time. After just an hour of rehearsals they were ready to sing. This commercial sticks to the original lyrics and tune that the children and their music teacher had written and composed for the song. The lyrics talk about how they want to break free from being a child labour, go to a school, become a doctor or a soldier and progress in life. As the kids sang their heart out the child labour in the commercial gets the strength to break out of the walls that imprisoned him and use the fate line to vault across to a better life.

After being aired on leading national channels and on the internet this song has become the anthem for Rotary's e-learning program in India. Also for the kids they are now a part of Rotary's e-learning program and go to a free e-learning school in Mumbai.


The campaign generated immense interest because of the huge achievements it showcased. Be it a nation becoming polio free, a child getting back her life or a child labour getting computer education. TV channels, websites, blogs and social network conversations went abuzz. Some of the biggest celebrities of India tweeted about the campaign. There were 2.2 million unique visitors to the campaign microsite and more that 1.5 million shares on social networks. Moreover over 42,000 new volunteers joined hands with Rotary within a month either by pledging thousands of hours of their time for societal initiatives or by donating money.

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