Cannes Lions


WUNDERMAN AQUA, Johannesburg / COCA-COLA / 2015

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Case Film
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Our solution was “Say it Happy” – a responsive platform that allowed teens to customise micro-films, creating personalized messages they could share with loved ones on social. This meant that messages that were normally bland were now made much more happy.

To create our database of microfilms, we selected the most popular local slang and teen sayings and had them “translated” by the country’s top animators, directors, illustrators and musician. We pre-loaded the platform with thousands of local names, ensuring that teens would find the ones they were after. Once a name and message are selected, our platform stitches them together.


South African teens used our platform to Say it Happy and create over 200 000+ customised films, that were seen by 87% of the country’s 12 million Facebook users.

The campaign received 47 208 711 Social impressions and 85 188 776 Media impression. 317% over target

Our Facebook fans increased from 355 236 to 475 251. That’s a 34% growth that put us into the country’s top 20 social brands for the first time.

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