Cannes Lions

Scoring for Health


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The global mission of Decathlon's brand is to 'Move people through the wonders of sport,' but in Poland, this mission holds particular significance.

With children gaining weight at the fastest rate in Europe and adults being the least active on the continent, the data paints a concerning picture.

Recognizing this, Decathlon not only offers sports accessibility to as many people as possible but also actively works to shift Polish society's awareness.

The education system, particularly the role of Physical Education within it, plays a pivotal role in instilling healthy habits and emphasizing the importance of sports in societal life.

To give appropriate importance to sports in social life and education has become our task and starting point for creation.


By suggesting that PE, typically considered a secondary school subject, could be included in the most important exam, we've elevated its status to be on par with core academic subjects.

This has sparked extreme reactions, ranging from enthusiasm to comments dismissing the idea as a joke, and engaged a wide spectrum of target groups, including students, teachers, parents, and even the Ministers of Education and Sport.

The discussion has ignited on television programs, social media platforms, as well as teacher forums. The strength of the idea was so significant that even those who were not in favor of introducing PE into the exam emphasized the need for systemic changes and a more serious approach to physical education.


Hacking the Polish education system to ignite nationwide debate and the government action - that's our strategy in a nutshell.

Building the importance of Physical Education and an active lifestyle among children is a slow process that will take many years. Meanwhile, data on poor children's fitness levels are sounding the alarm. Action is needed here and now.

That's why we've changed the rules of the game in the education system.

Let's make Physical Education a subject taken in the Final Exam - that's was the main message and the campaign call to action.

With help of massive social engagement and PR boosted by national portals, tv stations and radio we've turned neglected PE into the most important theme in Poland.

Due to the fact that PE concerns many social groups (teachers, parents, students), the message had to be as universal as strong to engage.


The innovation here was the very idea.

It changed the rules in the education system and added physical education, previously considered insignificant, to the list of crucial subjects tested in the Final Exam.

This move compelled the entire school community, as well as society, to recognize the gap in the treatment of physical education and other subjects.

Additionally, harnessing the voice of the public, with signatures on the petition, was a clever way to swiftly build ambassadors for the idea.

It was their involvement that forced the government to take a stand.


Media Outputs:

Media coverage was spread beetwen: 47% radio, 30,1% social media, 18,4% web portals, 3,9% TV, 0,6% press.

When it comes to AVE, it was spread between: 55,4% web portals, 25,7% social media, 17% radio, 1,8% TV.

95% of publications about our topic in traditional media had positive tone and 5% neutral.

In publications that Decathlon brand was plainly visible 67% of publications were positive, 30% neutral and only 3% negative.

Engagement rate in social media reached 0,34% with 67,9tn interactions.

Purchase intent - it wasn't a goal here.

Target Audience Outcomes / Business outcomes:

158 000 people have visited our landing page

24 254 people have signed our petition

17 000 kids took part in sport classes organized by Decathlon

Business outcomes:

Crucial brand image indicators influencing Demand Power increased:

Meaningful increased from 106 to 113; Different from 81 to 82 and Salient from 94 to 100.

As a result Demand Power of Decathlon increased by 0,4p.p., (change from 5,5% to 5,9%).

We’ve also increased two of the key Decathlon image statements:

“Decathlon is taking concrete actions in the sports sector to improve people’s lives” increased by 3p.p. (from 56% to 59%) and “Decathlon is a business that helps well-being through sport” increased by 2p.p. (from 54% to 56%

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