Cannes Lions


OGILVYACTION, London / 3M / 2011

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We decided the best way to achieve our objectives was to demonstrate the product and attach an engaging experience to it. So we reinvented a classic game that has always been about sharing and inclusion, and took it online. ‘Pass the Parcel’ resonated with mums, made them feel nostalgic and featured a product demonstration at the heart of the mechanic.

We created a buzz around the game through strategic seeding on sites which prompted huge interest and discussion. We incentivised traffic to the site by rewarding participation with prizes ranging from Scotch® POP-UP TAPE vouchers to iPod Shuffles.After providing their email addresses, visitors watched as their mystery animated parcels wrapped and unwrapped themselves to reveal if they'd won a prize. And whether they won or not, everyone who played was given the chance to pass the experience on to friends and family.


By the end of the campaign we had captured nearly 38,217 email addresses, almost doubling the client’s expectations. The game featured an animated demonstration of the product and, with each visitor coming back to play the game an average of ten times, that’s a very high level of exposure which resulted in us giving away 2500 vouchers. And in less than 4 months the site attracted more than 450,000 game players.

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