Cannes Lions

Seats of diversity.


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Berlin. The capital where diversity is lived. But not always loved.
We, the BVG, transport the diversity of Berlin, literally. So, who better than us to transport a message of diversity? Not with a campaign, but with a seat pattern and a streetwear fashion collection!


The “pattern of tolerance”. A pattern made of more than 80 silhouettes as colorful and diverse as the Berliners who sit on it, – no matter their age, gender, sexual orientation or cultural imprint.


We wanted to send a message all of Berlin literally could not miss. In a city that lives diversity, but not always loves it, we wanted to show that we, the BVG, welcome all people from all nations, all religions, all lifestyles, all genders and all cultural backgrounds. We transport diversity. Literally. So, who better than us to transport a message of diversity to the whole city? And by showing the message on our seat patterns, we were able to make sure that in the future, 2.6 million passengers will see it every day.


There is one environment where all of Berlin’s diversity comes together: Our busses, trams and subways. There, our pattern will reach 2.6 million passengers every day. Also, it was carried even further from the underground into the whole country by the Berliners themselves. With the BVG x Q.S. streetwear collection which exclusively dropped at Europe’s biggest fashion retailer: Zalando. From Berlin’s underground, the pattern was carried into the whole nation. Turning seat wear into streetwear.


The pattern of tolerance didn’t only make the cover pages of news websites, newspapers and TV shows, it generated 221 million contacts and a media value of over 8.1 million euros.

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