Cannes Lions

See All The Angles


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The best defense against fake news is to get people to stop and take the time to understand what they’re reading and get a new perspective.

- To get people to read with a critical eye, we put a literal spin on the English alphabet rotating it 90°.

- The font was designed to change how we read - to catch peoples’ attention, get them to stop and take the time to decipher what they’re reading and think for themselves.

- We created a headline-based campaign since headlines are what readers glance at and share.

- The campaign intercepted people wherever they read the news.

- Some characters are easier to recognize, and those characters will help the reader figure out the more difficult ones. We need to take the time to look closer — like when reading the news.


The font we created, Alt News, is a graphic interpretation of a typeface rotated 90° - a typeside.

- Meticulously crafted with 3 planes to create dimension

- Took liberties with the reality of turning a typeface on its side

- Each character was designed to be deciphered

- Some characters are easier to recognize and those characters will help the reader figure out the more difficult ones, solidifying that we need to take the time to look closer — like when reading the news.

Our font was used across many elements free for download

- Created an app called “Headline Maker” that so people could create and share their own headlines using our font

- Posters and type specimens were also made available to to download and print

- Alt News was even made into a typable font with Display and Stencil versions

- We used Alt News Display in our campaign, posters and app.


- Our campaign was picked up by international media and design blogs.

- Sparked interaction from readers - they loved guessing the phrases and learning how to read the headlines

- “Amazing initiative provides a great statement about how we should interpret different news around the web” - Branding News

- “The campaign introduces an odd typeface that begs a closer look.” - Design Taxi

- “It took a few minutes but I was able to decipher the text. Mission accomplished” - Christine Suh Daviduk

- “The fact that it took some time for me to actually be able to read it is amazing.” - alkaubraa