Cannes Lions



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In the 24/7 Millennial world it’s hard to discover and define themselves, so personal style is important as a mark of personal identity.

Contact lenses liberate them from the constraints of spectacle frames, despite how fashionable they seem. And allows them to see the world while letting the world see them for who they feel they are, inside and out.

It was this insight that led the idea to be about much more than vision correction. We needed to elevate eyesight from something purely physical and fashion, to a matter of emotional perspective. Connect with the spirit of our audience’s optimism. Show how daily disposable contact lenses can change how they see the world every single day.

This turned into a rally cry for Millennials to open their eyes and their hearts and see the good all around them with daily disposable contact lenses.

To See. Good. Daily.


We focused a budget of $2.3 million over four months, creating richer, ongoing engagement throughout the customer journey.

See. Good. Daily. as an idea infuses a surprising optimism in an unexpected way for the category so leveraging relevant passion points of our audience was obvious, but more so when the environment had a message that aligned with this inherent optimism.

It was important when activating the message to give people a way to experience it first-hand. From a video view that pulls a viewer in, to a Snapchat lens, to a surprising encounter on a street.

Digital advertising including music platforms (Spotify & Pandora), authentic custom partner content with their interpretation of seeing good (Great Big Story, Buzzfeed), social influencers and visual storytelling through social (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat), all communicated the brand message and drove 200,000 microsite visits for people to learn more about lenses and find their nearest store.



14.6mm active engagements with the brand in some form including:

7.6MM video completes

197,166 microsite visits to learn more about dailies and how LensCrafters can help.

LensCrafters’ first-ever Snapchat national lens exceeded one-day platform benchmarks for plays (167%), views (250+%), and playtime (300+%).

This led to an 8% lift, 10% among women, in consideration intent.

Street activation teams bought 477 coffees, held 29 umbrellas, handed out 2160 sunflowers, paid for 21 loads of laundry, posted 2160 notes of positive affirmation, mailed back one lost-and-found wallet, and inspired 2.24mm social media impressions.


14.3% brand awareness lift via Great Big Story alone

22.3% purchase intent lift from social media brand tracking


A massive 16% sales lift for the year; growing Daily Disposables to 35% of total transactions across the LensCrafters portfolio.

Impressive, especially as the campaign only ran for 4 months.

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