Cannes Lions

Seize the Awkward

DROGA5, New York / AD COUNCIL / 2018

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With higher rates than ever, it was clear that current approaches to deal with teen suicide weren’t working. We needed to address this situation in a new way, one that removed the stigma of talking about mental health. So, we created a lighthearted campaign to help teens understand why embracing this uncomfortable conversation is so important. “Seize the Awkward” aimed to transform an awkward moment from something teens avoid into the perfect opportunity to ask a friend how they’re feeling, giving them the tools to get involved when they suspect a friend is experiencing mental-health issues. An online film launched the idea and steered teens to a website where they could find more information about how to help a friend. Through social media, we spread advice, and influencers who teens respect helped spread the message. A series of tutorial films then gave step-by-step tips in more detail.


The campaign, geared toward 16-24-year-olds, launched on January 17, 2018 as students/young adults headed back to school after the winter break with 100 percent either donated or earned media. The creative launched in social, online video and out of home to a targeted, national audience. With $500,000 in donated media from Facebook/Instagram and over $50,000 in donated out-of-home media among other partners, we brought the campaign to life and reached millions of young adults across a range of contexts relevant to our target audience.

In addition to donated media, over 50 accomplished visual artists and typographers - almost all immediately connected to the issue of mental health in a deeply personal way - contributed original art interpreting “seize the awkward” to the campaign that came to life in an Instagram-focused influencer activation, as well as in posters available to schools and colleges across the country.


Our campaign was a massive success. Not only did we boost mental health awareness, users were actively engaged. "Seize the Awkward" racked up 8 million impressions and 2.3 million video in less than 60 days. This prompted over 750K interactions and fueled a conversation to the tune of 15K mentions. User responses were emotional and moving, freeing people to talk about mental health in a new way.

Going into the campaign, we understood that the majority of our audience considered this topic to be very important. Our ultimate goal was to stimulate in-person conversations. While we’re waiting for final results since the campaign has only been in market for less than three months, we have already seen a directional lift in attitudes and behaviors, with 42% of respondents reporting they would talk to a friend about the cause, significantly higher than Ad Council norms.

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