Cannes Lions

Send Your Thought


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We created the campaign “Send a thought” where people could create and send their own thoughts to people wearing a digital, connected, Pink Ribbon. Through the campaign website, anyone could visualize their own unique thought, which light up the Pink Ribbon in real time, for everybody that was wearing it.

This new digital Pink Ribbon was carried by people fighting cancer in various ways – scientists, relatives, survivors and cancer patients. After sending your unique thought, people were encouraged to donate money to the foundation to further contribute to the fight against cancer.

We turned the Pink Ribbon into a direct channel to visualise and distribute all the love to people fighting cancer.


We developed an interactive pink ribbon that turned it into a direct channel with people fighting cancer. On the campaign website, anyone could visualize their own unique thought, that lit up the special pink ribbon in real time. The ribbon was worn by scientists, cancer survivor, relatives, cancer patients – everybody that were fighting cancer. Every time someone send their thought, the ribbon lit up. Every send thought was followed by a personal thank you video and we encouraged people to support further by making a monetary donation. The unique pink ribbon was activated in media and the minister of higher education and research in Sweden, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, wore the ribbon to maximize the impact.


The news about the innovative Pink Ribbon exploded online, creating a huge conversation in social media – all with very warm and uplifting messages. Over 28 000 swedes sent their unique thought to people fighting cancer, reaching out with a really important message. Even the Swedish minister of higher research wore a Pink Ribbon and told her story, to support our campaign. In the end, Cancerfonden raised 84 million Swedish Kronor, making it the most successful pink ribbon campaign ever. But more important, we spread the message that no one should have to fight cancer alone.

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